i'm using pd 0.38-extended from sourceforge. i was wondering what the
preferred way to stream sound files is. first attempt was sfplay~ as
in max and this object seems to exist. only i get an error message
saying that libsndfile complains about a version mismatch.
then i used readsf~ which seems to work, only - as opposed to the
statement in the help file - it doesn't accept 24bit files, i tried
aiff (comes out as noise, probably wrong endianess) and wave (unknown
header format), au (NeXT) interestingly works in 24bit.
best, -sciss-
Sounds like a bug in readsf~, maybe you could file a bug report if
you are sure that your 24-bit files are good. Also, example files in
bug reports always good.
On Apr 19, 2006, at 12:05 PM, Sciss wrote:
i'm using pd 0.38-extended from sourceforge. i was wondering what
the preferred way to stream sound files is. first attempt was
sfplay~ as in max and this object seems to exist. only i get an
error message saying that libsndfile complains about a version
mismatch.then i used readsf~ which seems to work, only - as opposed to the
statement in the help file - it doesn't accept 24bit files, i tried
aiff (comes out as noise, probably wrong endianess) and wave
(unknown header format), au (NeXT) interestingly works in 24bit.best, -sciss-
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