Is there any work currently being done to make Pd patchs be compatable
why would you want to do such thing?
with Max/MSP? And on a minor note is David Z thinking about adding some of the funcionality of GEM to MSP?
GEM and MSP seem to be 2 different things ...
Considering that David Z. hasn't done anything about graphics in Max since the 80's (check out LCD object which is simply a _very_ primitive way of accessing some very basic commands in the Macintosh Toolbox) I wouldn't count on much... ...especially if he's busy porting MAX/MSP to WindozeNT and BeOS (in the near future apparently...)
I would like to see some Mac/Linux geek to fix the MkLinux behaviour for MIDI and Audio.
+------------> | Michal Seta | | | <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | It's only when I know what I'm doing that it's boring | j cage | +--------------------------------------------------------+