hello pdp-ers, i'd been experiencing mysterious segfaults with one of my pdp patches and have finally narrowed it down to the pdp_text object.
when a text string of 12 characters is banged into pdp_text, pd will very likely segfault. other string lengths seem to be OK. i've attached an example patch and would really like it if others could try it and see if they have the same result - i only have one machine around that i can check it on. it may take 5 to 10 bangs of the fatal messages to kill it ...
this is with: pdp-0.12.2 pidip-0.12.6 and 0.12.9 imlib2-1.0.6-1 from .rpm pd-0.36 rh9
oh, on a related subject: has anyone made anything like a strlen external for pd? i searched pdb and found nothing ...
thanks, bill
fixed ( and also a strange 'resize' bug, never reported ). some dangerous play with pointers...
thanx for the bug report, keep doing that...
cheers, sevy
Bill Sack wrote:
hello pdp-ers, i'd been experiencing mysterious segfaults with one of my pdp patches and have finally narrowed it down to the pdp_text object.
when a text string of 12 characters is banged into pdp_text, pd will very likely segfault. other string lengths seem to be OK. i've attached an example patch and would really like it if others could try it and see if they have the same result - i only have one machine around that i can check it on. it may take 5 to 10 bangs of the fatal messages to kill it ...
this is with: pdp-0.12.2 pidip-0.12.6 and 0.12.9 imlib2-1.0.6-1 from .rpm pd-0.36 rh9
oh, on a related subject: has anyone made anything like a strlen external for pd? i searched pdb and found nothing ...
thanks, bill
#N canvas 84 12 455 460 10; #X obj 146 384 pdp_xv; #X obj 8 82 metro 70; #X obj 75 113 pdp_v4l; #X obj 84 81 metro 70; #X msg 8 245 clear; #X obj 4 114 pdp_noise; #X msg 150 84 open /dev/video0; #X obj 8 55 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0 1; #X obj 84 54 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1 0 1 ; #X msg 146 127 text enthusiasm 80 10; #X msg 146 149 text tenxxxxxxx 90 30; #X msg 146 171 text fourteenxxxxxx 100 50; #X msg 146 251 text horizontally 90 70; #X msg 146 277 text enthusiastic 90 90; #X msg 146 304 text twelvexxxxxx 90 110; #X text 158 108 these are OK; #X text 151 228 these kill it; #X obj 146 354 pdp_text ------; #X msg 146 196 text twentyfourxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 160 130; #X text 10 12 banging strings of 12 characters into pdp_text; #X text 9 26 cause segfault; #X connect 1 0 5 0; #X connect 2 0 17 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 17 0; #X connect 5 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 2 0; #X connect 7 0 1 0; #X connect 8 0 3 0; #X connect 9 0 17 0; #X connect 10 0 17 0; #X connect 11 0 17 0; #X connect 12 0 17 0; #X connect 13 0 17 0; #X connect 14 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 0 0; #X connect 18 0 17 0;
/* This object is a text rendering object for PDP
/* Listening to :
#include "pdp.h" #include "yuv.h" #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <Imlib2.h> // imlib2 is required
#define DEFAULT_CAPACITY 10 #define DEFAULT_FONT "helmetr/16"
static char *pdp_text_version = "pdp_text: version 0.2 : text rendering object written by ydegoyon@free.fr";
typedef struct pdp_text_struct { t_object x_obj; t_float x_f;
t_int x_packet0;
t_int x_packet1;
t_int x_dropped;
t_int x_queue_id;
t_outlet *x_outlet0;
t_int x_vwidth;
t_int x_vheight;
t_int x_vsize;
char **x_text_array;
t_int *x_xoffsets;
t_int *x_yoffsets;
t_int *x_r;
t_int *x_g;
t_int *x_b;
t_float *x_angle;
t_int *x_scroll;
t_int x_nbtexts;
t_int x_current;
t_int x_capacity;
/* imlib data */
Imlib_Image x_image;
Imlib_Font x_font;
} t_pdp_text;
/* add a new text : syntax : text <my%20text> x y */
static void pdp_text_add(t_pdp_text *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { char *pname; char *pdname; t_int len;
if ( x->x_nbtexts >= x->x_capacity ) { post( "pdp_text : sorry, maximum capacity has been reached... try resize" ); return; }
if ( argc < 3 ) { post( "pdp_text : error in the number of arguments ( minimum is 3 )", argc ); return; } if ( argv[0].a_type != A_SYMBOL || argv[1].a_type != A_FLOAT || argv[2].a_type != A_FLOAT ) { post( "pdp_text : add : wrong arguments" ); return; }
// allocate new text area len = strlen( argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name ); pdname = x->x_text_array[x->x_nbtexts] = (char *) getbytes( len+1 ); pname = (char *) getbytes( len+1 ); memset( pname, 0x0, len+1 ); memcpy( pname, argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name, len ); while (*(pname)) { if ( (*pname=='%') && ( isdigit(*(pname+1)) || (*(pname+1)=='%') ) ) { t_int ivalue; t_int ndigits; char *piname;
while ( isdigit( *(piname++) ) ) ndigits++;
// special case %%
if ( ( pname != argv[0].a_w.w_symbol->s_name ) && ( *(pname+1) == '%' ) )
else if ( !strncmp( pname, "\"", 1 ) ) // quotes are ignored unless %34
} *(pdname)='\0'; x->x_xoffsets[x->x_nbtexts] = (int)argv[1].a_w.w_float; x->x_yoffsets[x->x_nbtexts] = (int)argv[2].a_w.w_float;
if ( (argc>=4) && (argv[3].a_type == A_FLOAT) ) { x->x_r[x->x_nbtexts] = (int)argv[3].a_w.w_float; } if ( (argc>=5) && (argv[4].a_type == A_FLOAT) ) { x->x_g[x->x_nbtexts] = (int)argv[4].a_w.w_float; } if ( (argc>=6) && (argv[5].a_type == A_FLOAT) ) { x->x_b[x->x_nbtexts] = (int)argv[5].a_w.w_float; } if ( (argc>=7) && (argv[6].a_type == A_FLOAT) ) { x->x_angle[x->x_nbtexts] = argv[6].a_w.w_float; } if ( (argc>=8) && (argv[7].a_type == A_FLOAT) ) { x->x_scroll[x->x_nbtexts] = (int)argv[7].a_w.w_float; }
post( "pdp_text : added text >%s< @ %d (r=%d g=%d b=%d)", x->x_text_array[x->x_nbtexts], x->x_nbtexts, x->x_r[x->x_nbtexts], x->x_g[x->x_nbtexts], x->x_b[x->x_nbtexts] );
if ( x->x_current == -1 ) x->x_current = x->x_nbtexts; x->x_nbtexts++;
static void pdp_text_current(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fcurrent ) { if ( ( fcurrent >= 0 ) && ( fcurrent < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_current = fcurrent; } }
static void pdp_text_textx(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fx ) { if ( ( x->x_current >= 0 ) && ( x->x_current < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_xoffsets[ x->x_current ] = fx; } }
static void pdp_text_texty(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fy ) { if ( ( x->x_current >= 0 ) && ( x->x_current < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_yoffsets[ x->x_current ] = fy; } }
static void pdp_text_textr(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fr ) { if ( ( x->x_current >= 0 ) && ( x->x_current < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_r[ x->x_current ] = fr; } }
static void pdp_text_textg(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fg ) { if ( ( x->x_current >= 0 ) && ( x->x_current < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_g[ x->x_current ] = fg; } }
static void pdp_text_textb(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fb ) { if ( ( x->x_current >= 0 ) && ( x->x_current < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_b[ x->x_current ] = fb; } }
static void pdp_text_angle(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fangle ) { if ( ( x->x_current >= 0 ) && ( x->x_current < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_angle[ x->x_current ] = fangle; } }
static void pdp_text_scroll(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fscroll ) { if ( ( x->x_current >= 0 ) && ( x->x_current < x->x_nbtexts ) ) { x->x_scroll[ x->x_current ] = fscroll; } }
static void pdp_text_dither(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fdither ) { imlib_context_set_dither( (char)fdither ); }
static void pdp_text_blend(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fblend ) { imlib_context_set_blend( (char)fblend ); }
static void pdp_text_antialias(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fantialias ) { imlib_context_set_anti_alias( (char)fantialias ); }
static void pdp_text_clear(t_pdp_text *x ) { x->x_nbtexts = 0; }
static void pdp_text_delete(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fnum ) { t_int i; char *lostword;
if ( ( fnum>0 ) && ( fnum<=x->x_nbtexts ) )
lostword = x->x_text_array[ (int)fnum-1 ];
for ( i=(int)fnum; i<x->x_nbtexts; i++ )
x->x_text_array[ i-1 ] = x->x_text_array[ i ];
x->x_xoffsets[ i-1 ] = x->x_xoffsets[ i ];
x->x_yoffsets[ i-1 ] = x->x_yoffsets[ i ];
x->x_r[ i-1 ] = x->x_r[ i ];
x->x_g[ i-1 ] = x->x_g[ i ];
x->x_b[ i-1 ] = x->x_b[ i ];
x->x_angle[ i-1 ] = x->x_angle[ i ];
x->x_scroll[ i-1 ] = x->x_scroll[ i ];
free( lostword );
static void pdp_text_resize(t_pdp_text *x, t_floatarg fnewsize ) { char **text_array; t_int *xoffsets; t_int *yoffsets; t_int *r; t_int *g; t_int *b; t_float *angle; t_int *scroll;
t_int i, csize;
if ( (int) fnewsize<=0 ) return;
// allocate new structures
text_array = (char**) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(char*) );
xoffsets = (t_int*) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(t_int) );
yoffsets = (t_int*) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(t_int) );
r = (t_int*) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(t_int) );
g = (t_int*) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(t_int) );
b = (t_int*) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(t_int) );
angle = (t_float*) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(t_float) );
scroll = (t_int*) getbytes( fnewsize*sizeof(t_int) );
for ( i=0; i<fnewsize; i++ )
r[i] = g[i] = b[i] = 255;
if ( fnewsize < x->x_nbtexts )
post( "pdp_text : new size is too small : texts lost !!" );
csize = fnewsize;
csize = x->x_nbtexts;
// copy all values
for ( i=0; i<csize; i++ )
text_array[i] = (char*) malloc( strlen( x->x_text_array[i] ) + 1 );
strcpy( text_array[i], x->x_text_array[i] );
free( x->x_text_array[i] );
xoffsets[i] = x->x_xoffsets[i];
yoffsets[i] = x->x_yoffsets[i];
r[i] = x->x_r[i];
g[i] = x->x_g[i];
b[i] = x->x_b[i];
angle[i] = x->x_angle[i];
scroll[i] = x->x_scroll[i];
// free old structures
if ( x->x_text_array ) freebytes( x->x_text_array, x->x_capacity*sizeof(char*) );
if ( x->x_xoffsets ) freebytes( x->x_xoffsets, x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
if ( x->x_yoffsets ) freebytes( x->x_yoffsets, x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
if ( x->x_r ) freebytes( x->x_r, x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
if ( x->x_g ) freebytes( x->x_g, x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
if ( x->x_b ) freebytes( x->x_b, x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
if ( x->x_angle) freebytes( x->x_angle, x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_float) );
if ( x->x_scroll) freebytes( x->x_scroll, x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
// set new structures
x->x_text_array = text_array;
x->x_xoffsets = xoffsets;
x->x_yoffsets = yoffsets;
x->x_r = r;
x->x_g = g;
x->x_b = b;
x->x_angle = angle;
x->x_scroll = scroll;
x->x_nbtexts = csize;
x->x_capacity = (int) fnewsize;
if ( x->x_nbtexts > 0 )
x->x_current = 0;
x->x_current = -1;
post( "pdp_text : resized to %d", (int) fnewsize );
static void pdp_text_font(t_pdp_text *x, t_symbol *sfont ) { Imlib_Font font;
font = imlib_load_font(sfont->s_name);
if ( !font )
post( "pdp_text : could not load font : >%s<", sfont->s_name );
imlib_context_set_font( font );
x->x_font = font;
static void pdp_text_allocate(t_pdp_text *x) { x->x_image = imlib_create_image( x->x_vwidth, x->x_vheight ); if ( x->x_image == NULL ) { post( "pdp_text : severe error : could not allocate image !!" ); return; } imlib_context_set_image(x->x_image); }
static void pdp_text_free_ressources(t_pdp_text *x) { // if ( x->x_image != NULL ) imlib_free_image(); }
static void pdp_text_process_yv12(t_pdp_text *x) { t_pdp *header = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0); short int *data = (short int *)pdp_packet_data(x->x_packet0); t_pdp *newheader = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet1); short int *newdata = (short int *)pdp_packet_data(x->x_packet1); t_int ti; t_int px, py; unsigned char y, u, v; DATA32 *imdata; DATA32 bgcolor; short int *pY, *pU, *pV; int text_width, text_height;
if ( ( (int)(header->info.image.width) != x->x_vwidth ) ||
( (int)(header->info.image.height) != x->x_vheight ) )
x->x_vwidth = header->info.image.width;
x->x_vheight = header->info.image.height;
x->x_vsize = x->x_vwidth*x->x_vheight;
newheader->info.image.encoding = header->info.image.encoding;
newheader->info.image.width = x->x_vwidth;
newheader->info.image.height = x->x_vheight;
memcpy( newdata, data, (x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>1))<<1 );
// draw all texts
if ( x->x_image != NULL ) imlib_context_set_image(x->x_image);
imdata = imlib_image_get_data();
bgcolor = imdata[0];
for (ti=0; ti<x->x_nbtexts; ti++)
imlib_context_set_angle( x->x_angle[ti] );
imlib_context_set_color( x->x_r[ti], x->x_g[ti], x->x_b[ti], 255 );
imlib_get_text_size( x->x_text_array[ti], &text_width, &text_height);
imlib_text_draw( x->x_xoffsets[ti] - (0.5*text_width) + (cos(x->x_angle[ti]) * x->x_scroll[ti]),
x->x_yoffsets[ti] - (0.5*text_height) + (sin(x->x_angle[ti]) * x->x_scroll[ti]),
x->x_text_array[ti] );
pY = newdata;
pV = newdata+x->x_vsize;
pU = newdata+x->x_vsize+(x->x_vsize>>2);
for ( py=0; py<x->x_vheight; py++ )
for ( px=0; px<x->x_vwidth; px++ )
if ( imdata[py*x->x_vwidth+px] != bgcolor )
y = yuv_RGBtoY(imdata[py*x->x_vwidth+px]);
u = yuv_RGBtoU(imdata[py*x->x_vwidth+px]);
v = yuv_RGBtoV(imdata[py*x->x_vwidth+px]);
*(pY) = y<<7;
if ( (px%2==0) && (py%2==0) )
*(pV) = (v-128)<<8;
*(pU) = (u-128)<<8;
if ( (px%2==0) && (py%2==0) )
static void pdp_text_sendpacket(t_pdp_text *x) { /* delete source packet */ pdp_packet_mark_unused(x->x_packet0); x->x_packet0 = -1;
/* unregister and propagate if valid dest packet */
pdp_packet_pass_if_valid(x->x_outlet0, &x->x_packet1);
static void pdp_text_process(t_pdp_text *x) { int encoding; t_pdp *header = 0;
/* check if image data packets are compatible */ if ( (header = pdp_packet_header(x->x_packet0)) && (PDP_IMAGE == header->type)){
/* pdp_text_process inputs and write into active inlet */
case PDP_IMAGE_YV12:
x->x_packet1 = pdp_packet_clone_rw(x->x_packet0);
pdp_queue_add(x, pdp_text_process_yv12, pdp_text_sendpacket, &x->x_queue_id);
// should write something to handle these one day
// but i don't use this mode
/* don't know the type, so dont pdp_text_process */
static void pdp_text_input_0(t_pdp_text *x, t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f) {
/* if this is a register_ro message or register_rw message, register with packet factory */
if (s== gensym("register_rw"))
x->x_dropped = pdp_packet_convert_ro_or_drop(&x->x_packet0, (int)f, pdp_gensym("image/YCrCb/*") );
if ((s == gensym("process")) && (-1 != x->x_packet0) && (!x->x_dropped)){
/* add the process method and callback to the process queue */
static void pdp_text_free(t_pdp_text *x) { int i;
t_class *pdp_text_class;
void *pdp_text_new(void) { int i;
t_pdp_text *x = (t_pdp_text *)pd_new(pdp_text_class);
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("current"));
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("textx"));
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("texty"));
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("textr"));
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("textg"));
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("textb"));
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("angle"));
inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("scroll"));
x->x_outlet0 = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_anything);
x->x_packet0 = -1;
x->x_packet1 = -1;
x->x_queue_id = -1;
x->x_image = NULL;
x->x_font = imlib_context_get_font();
x->x_capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
x->x_text_array = (char**) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(char*) );
x->x_xoffsets = (t_int*) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
x->x_yoffsets = (t_int*) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
x->x_r = (t_int*) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
x->x_g = (t_int*) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
x->x_b = (t_int*) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
x->x_angle = (t_float*) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_float) );
x->x_scroll = (t_int*) getbytes( x->x_capacity*sizeof(t_int) );
for ( i=0; i<x->x_capacity; i++ ) { x->x_r[i] = x->x_g[i] = x->x_b[i] = 255; }
x->x_nbtexts = 0;
x->x_current = -1;
return (void *)x;
#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif
void pdp_text_setup(void) { Imlib_Font font;
// post( pdp_text_version );
pdp_text_class = class_new(gensym("pdp_text"), (t_newmethod)pdp_text_new,
(t_method)pdp_text_free, sizeof(t_pdp_text), 0, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_input_0, gensym("pdp"),
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_add, gensym("text"), A_GIMME, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_current, gensym("current"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_textx, gensym("textx"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_texty, gensym("texty"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_textr, gensym("textr"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_textg, gensym("textg"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_textb, gensym("textb"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_clear, gensym("clear"), A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_delete, gensym("delete"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_resize, gensym("resize"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_font, gensym("font"), A_SYMBOL, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_angle, gensym("angle"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_scroll, gensym("scroll"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_dither, gensym("dither"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_blend, gensym("blend"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_addmethod(pdp_text_class, (t_method)pdp_text_antialias, gensym("antialias"), A_DEFFLOAT, A_NULL);
class_sethelpsymbol( pdp_text_class, gensym("pdp_text.pd") );
font = imlib_load_font(DEFAULT_FONT);
if ( !font )
post( "pdp_text : severe error : could not load default font : no rendering !!!" );
imlib_context_set_font( font );
#ifdef __cplusplus } #endif