Hey guys
So, I am working with a Max/MSP standalone application that sends OSC messages through UDP, but it's not using any / signs in the beginning of the message. So I'm getting the following in PD
unpackOSC: Path doesn't begin with "/", dropping message
Like, a lot. It just ignores the messages because of the lack of the "/". Since the standalone application was made by Max/MSP users, they ignored this apparent limitation on PD. In fact, I tried in Max/MSP with a udpreceive object linked to a route and it already got me results.
So, the question is... Is there any workaround I could try in PD?
On 10/21/2010 07:26 PM, Leandro da Mota Damasceno wrote:
Hey guys
So, I am working with a Max/MSP standalone application that sends OSC messages through UDP, but it's not using any / signs in the beginning of the message. So I'm getting the following in PD
afaik, in this case it is not OSC. you are probably sending something with your max [updsender] oject (or how it is called), but it is not OSC. http:/opensoundcontrol.org
fgmasdr IOhannes
On Thu, 21 Oct 2010, Leandro da Mota Damasceno wrote:
Like, a lot. It just ignores the messages because of the lack of the "/". Since the standalone application was made by Max/MSP users, they ignored this apparent limitation on PD. In fact, I tried in Max/MSP with a udpreceive object linked to a route and it already got me results.
What does the OSC standard say about leading slashes ?
| Mathieu Bouchard ------------------------------ Villeray, Montréal, QC
On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 19:39 +0100, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
On 21/10/10 18:26, Leandro da Mota Damasceno wrote:
So, the question is... Is there any workaround I could try in PD?
| [list split 1] | | "/$1" | | | [list append ] | [list trim] |
This would require to convert the byte list to strings and then back to a byte list again.
You could instead insert a [list prepend 47] (47 is the byte value of a '/') right after the [udpreceive].
On 2010-10-21 13:26, Leandro da Mota Damasceno wrote:
Hey guys
So, I am working with a Max/MSP standalone application that sends OSC messages through UDP, but it's not using any / signs in the beginning of the message. So I'm getting the following in PD
unpackOSC: Path doesn't begin with "/", dropping message
Maybe you could post the actual Pd patch you used to get this result?