padawan12 a écrit :
What about with more flowing classical music of Vivaldi, Debussy and Gorekci? I suppose that works in the same way but the rythmn/timing is just more subtle or implied.
Vivaldi is a composer from a period when the sixth semi tone, or the fifth flat, or the devil note, were not allowed at all by the church. He had to follow very strict rules, that's why his music sounds very childish (in my paradigm). While Debussy is a more modern composer, he has been very influenced by Erik Satie which has stopped to follow the old rules of harmony imposed since centuries, they have introduced the concept of enharmony, and arythmic patterns.
What is a tri-tonic substitution?
The seventh flat in a major chord is the triton of the major third, if we substitute a 7 flat major chords with another one, _six semi-tones below_, or above (same one), we will get the same notes than the altered chord. The altered chord is often used instead of the 7 flat major chord for resolving to the major chord or a minor chord one fift above.
It's a kind of mirror effect.
Regards, Patco.
PS: I've attached a better sounding of voices example patch.
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On 8/13/06, patco wrote:
padawan12 a écrit :
What is a tri-tonic substitution?
The seventh flat in a major chord is the triton of the major third, if we substitute a 7 flat major chords with another one, _six semi-tones below_, or above (same one), we will get the same notes than the altered chord. The altered chord is often used instead of the 7 flat major chord for resolving to the major chord or a minor chord one fift above.
One explanation I heard is that the V7-I progression is strong partially because the tritone between the IV and vii in the V7 chord resolves outward to iii and I. Like Patco says, that same tritone is present in the 7th chord a tritone away. So if, instead of Am | D7 | GMaj7 you play Am | Ab7 | GMaj7 The progression still sounds pretty compelling. Long ago, jazz players got bored with this, and, wanting more of a good thing, experimented with substituting just about every chord in any progression with a chord a tritone away. A 3-6-2-5-1 progression becomes a chromatically descending progression if you replace 6 and 5 with flat 3 and flat 2. Rather than list the possibilities for using tritone subs, it's simpler to list the times when they're avoided. They're never avoided.