Hi! I'm writing a subpatch as part of a synthesizer which includes a number of signal sources (each one an instance of the mentioned subpatch) which are combined together. Each source can be of a different shape: sinusoidal, sawtooth, triangle, noise, etc. The subpatch includes a generator for each kind but only one of them is selected at a given time. I'm not sure if it is possible to deactivate the non selected ones. I mean not to 0-multiply their output but a control facility to temporarily stop them so that they don't do any dsp at all (obviously for performance improvement). Thank you in advance. Regards, Carlos.
I read: . .
selected ones. I mean not to 0-multiply their output but a control facility to temporarily stop them so that they don't do any dsp at all (obviously for performance improvement).
look at [switch~]
That will do it by putting every generator in a different window. Currently my diagram is nicely fitted inside its patch window. Is it possible to selectively start/stop signal generators in the same window?
I read: . .
selected ones. I mean not to 0-multiply their output but a control facility to temporarily stop them so that they don't do any dsp at all (obviously for performance improvement).
look at [switch~]
Hi Carlos,
Carlos Pita wrote:
look at [switch~]
That will do it by putting every generator in a different window. Currently my diagram is nicely fitted inside its patch window. Is it possible to selectively start/stop signal generators in the same window?
Nope, afraid not. But I think you will find that your life improves dramatically when you figure out how to make subpatches and re-usable abstractions for repetitive tasks. And in this case, [switch~] works marvelously. I'm currently working on a synth with 3 voices X 5 variable waveforms X 3 sub-generators X 2 detunable oscillators = 90 generators total. So [switch~] is really my friend in this case! ;-)
Try the attached patch on for size.
Carlos Pita wrote:
Hi! I'm writing a subpatch as part of a synthesizer which includes a number of signal sources (each one an instance of the mentioned subpatch) which are combined together. Each source can be of a different shape: sinusoidal, sawtooth, triangle, noise, etc. The subpatch includes a generator for each kind but only one of them is selected at a given time. I'm not sure if it is possible to deactivate the non selected ones. I mean not to 0-multiply their output but a control facility to temporarily stop them so that they don't do any dsp at all (obviously for performance improvement). Thank you in advance. Regards, Carlos.