Iam trying to rotate GEM object with my android phone, sending from acc sensor througth OSC
Gem object rotateXYZ is not the solution for that, maybe because of gimbal lock effect...
Did anybody similar working patch in pd ? Or can somebody hel me ? many thanks.
On Sam, 2013-02-09 at 13:07 +0100, Fero Kiraly wrote:
Iam trying to rotate GEM object with my android phone, sending from acc sensor througth OSC
Gem object rotateXYZ is not the solution for that, maybe because of gimbal lock effect...
Did anybody similar working patch in pd ? Or can somebody hel me ? many thanks.
If I understand the gimbal lock correctly (I only read about it now), your problem seems not related to it. With accelerometer data only, you can only calculate two axis of orientation (pitch and roll), while yaw is still missing. You cannot measure the angle of rotation along the direction of gravity with accelerometers. You'd need something else for yaw, a compass or a gyroscope (while the latter is giving you only relative measurements).