Hi there!
How to send MIDI sysex messages? i tried doing this:
[slider] | [208 65 50 0 5 $1 215( <-message | [midiout]
using midiout object. the help says it should send raw midi, but nothing cames out of my midi box... the right inlet is used to select port. i tried setting it to zero but it doesn't works.
what OS are you using? sysex does not work on windows.
Federico a écrit :
Hi there!
How to send MIDI sysex messages? i tried doing this:
[slider] | [208 65 50 0 5 $1 215( <-message | [midiout]
using midiout object. the help says it should send raw midi, but nothing cames out of my midi box... the right inlet is used to select port. i tried setting it to zero but it doesn't works.
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what OS are you using? sysex does not work on windows.
a nice workaround can be done in windows though and without annoying cpu or latency cost
you need:
midi translator florian bömers http://www.bome.com/midi/translator/ midi yoke http://www.midiox.com/
then it's easy once the virtual midi driver is intalled, configure pd to output midi to the virtual port. create in pd a simple [ctlout ] on a specific channel/CC in midi translator (running in the background) listen to the midiyoke virtual port, filter and intercept the value coming from your CC and pipe it into your predefined sysex message, this message then is sent to the "real" midi port.