I made a [pack t b f f f f f f f f f f ] And connect ten vertical sliders to inlet 2-10 (1-based).
Then I connected the outlet of the [pack] to a message box with the following contents:
[wave1 sinesum $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10]
I added a tabread4-mimic and could display the wave in an array visually.
So nice so mysterious ( at least for me ;) )
Slider 1 to slider 8 are working as exspected, moving slider nine and ten results in nothing but the pure sound of silence (visually spoken...).
For what I read about [pack] the inlets sequence follows the arguments or in my case inlet #2 up to #10 are exspecting float arguments, which are given by the vsliders.
A [BANG] at inlet #2 send a bang into the pack.
But the reason, why slider #9 and slider #10 are on holidays is not very obvious to me.
The aim of all this should be a wave, which reacts on changes of each of the sliders instantly without sending an extra bang. And I want to have all slider (better: much more than ten) working. And if there is a way to normalize the result instantly I would one step nearer to eternity ;))))
I know, that there are obviously far better and total different ways to accomplish what I want to acchieve, but for the first I only want to understand, why this beast is only running on eight instead of ten legs (my be a spider therefore... ;)
Thanks a lot for any help in advance! Best regards mcc
The [pack] object and the [trigger] object should be separate. First create this:
[pack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
then each number box should look like this:
[0] | [t b f]
where the "f" outlet is connected to the corresponding inlet in [pack], and the "b" outlet is connected to the first, "hot" inlet of [pack].
[pack] only gives output when the "hot" inlet has input, so the "bang" message sent after the "float" triggers it and gives output no matter which number box you change.
Read more about "hot" and "cold" in the HTML manual or in the FLOSS Manual for details. Or see attached patch.
Best! Derek
On 3/3/10 7:43 PM, meino.cramer@gmx.de wrote:
I removed the [t b f] from the frist slider and connected it to the hot inlet of [pack] directly.
But no change...the first sliders seems to know "on off" only.
Patch attached....
Keep hacking! mcc
Derek Holzer derek@umatic.nl [10-03-03 20:08]:
Hello Meino,
please read the Generating Waveforms chapter again:
specifically the section titled "Using Sinesum".
You'll see that the third element of the "sinesum" message, where you have your $1 now, is the length of the table (which is set ahead of time).
The fourth element, your $2, is normally a value of "1". That is because the first harmonic is usually "1" when generating a bandlimited waveform. Of course, you don't have to fix it at "1".
But you do need to have the table length! So insert the number "2051" after the word "sinesum" in your patch, and you'll be set.
Best, Derek
On 3/3/10 9:05 PM, meino.cramer@gmx.de wrote:
Finally, if you add one more "bang" to your [trigger] at the far left, you can use that "bang" to send the "normalize 1" message ;-)
On 3/3/10 9:34 PM, Derek Holzer wrote: