Hi people, I'm really new to PD, and I've got so many questions! I'm working a lot out with the docs, but I've got a couple of things I've not been able to work out on my own.
1/- where can I find documentation on expr?
2/- I have attached a patch that I'm sure can be optimised. It's control logic for a loop sampler, and my questions are
with expr - see the stuff after unpack, and also the trigger on the left . Am I having a misunderstanding about the difference between the types of messages (bangs and numbers)?
this to be able to get expr to send a message
Thanks for any help,
hi matthew
welcome to the pd world :-)
On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 09:43 +0000, matthew venn wrote:
Hi people, I'm really new to PD, and I've got so many questions! I'm working a lot out with the docs, but I've got a couple of things I've not been able to work out on my own.
1/- where can I find documentation on expr?
the helpfiles are in pd/extra (at least here incc my 0.40.0 installation)
2/- I have attached a patch that I'm sure can be optimised. It's control logic for a loop sampler, and my questions are
- why do I have to convert bangs to numbers to be able to use them
with expr - see the stuff after unpack, and also the trigger on the left . Am I having a misunderstanding about the difference between the types of messages (bangs and numbers)?
'bang' is kind of an empty message, that is used to triggers events. the [expr]-object wants numbers (floats, in pd all numbers are floats). that means, you cannot set the internal state just by sending a bang, but you need to send a number '0' or '1' (or any other nonzero number, iirc) to set the internal state to '1' or to '0' respectively.
- is there a way I can get rid of the selects? It seems I have to do
this to be able to get expr to send a message.
i cannot quite follow, what your intention is by reading your patch.
wether you need the [select]s or not, depends on what you want to achieve. if you want, that the [closeloop stop(-message gets triggered only, when the [expr] sends a [1(, then you need the [select].
maybe you explain a bit more detailed, what you want to do. i have the feeling, that some of pd's priciples are not very clear to you. if i could help you with a specific example, it might be easier to explain for me / understand for you.
Thanks for any help,
Matthew _______________________________________________ PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
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welcome to the pd world :-)
the helpfiles are in pd/extra (at least here incc my 0.40.0 installation)
I did apt-get on ubuntu and got 0.39. I got another answer for online docs and posted the link on the puredata.info site.
2/- I have attached a patch that I'm sure can be optimised. It's control logic for a loop sampler, and my questions are
maybe you explain a bit more detailed, what you want to do. i have the feeling, that some of pd's priciples are not very clear to you. if i could help you with a specific example, it might be easier to explain for me / understand for you.
Cheers! I read section 2 of the PD docs on the train over the weekend, so I feel I have things a little clearer now. What I am working to achieve is a flexible interface for a loop sampler. I will be using a foot pedal for live performances with PD.
So I want a bunch of buttons that do *multiple actions, depending on the current state of the sampler*. So for example I gave:
I will need a few different states, such as
that will be tied to 1 of a few different parallel samplers (probably around 4).
Thanks for the help and welcome!
On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 12:01 +0000, matthew venn wrote:
So I want a bunch of buttons that do *multiple actions, depending on the current state of the sampler*. So for example I gave:
- in stop mode, if I press the button we go to record/play mode
- in record/play mode, the button closes the loop and stops playback.
I will need a few different states, such as
- playing
- overdubbing
- stopped
- recording
that will be tied to 1 of a few different parallel samplers (probably around 4).
hi matthew again
i attached a small patch, that shows how i would implement the most simple 'state alternator'. if you want to make state switching dependent on other states, it might be helpfull to have a look at the helppatch of [&& ], [|| ], [== ] and such. with these objects, it should be possible to implement the logic you want to achieve.
some random tips, that are important, when doing logic-stuff:
they're triggered by the left ('hot') inlet, whereas, if they get a message at their right ('cold') inlet, only their internal state is changed, but nothing is sent to the outlet. (Section 2.3.3 of the pd-html-manual is more detailed and might be interesting for you)
connected to two inlets, the order of execution is *not* defined, or in other words: you don't know, which inlet gets the message first. therefore usually a [trigger]-object is inserted in between in order to avoid 'undefinedness' (have a look at the help of [trigger]).
i hope, that was not too 'teacherish' ;-)
matthew venn wrote:
1/- where can I find documentation on expr?
lg, P