hello all,
first, sorry for cross-posting....
thanks to artengine, there can be now pcb's ordered for the usb iobox project. see http://multio.mamalala.de for more details about the iobox.
here's a quick overview:
in the basic version, that is one mainboard and one userboard.
it has/offers on the one userboard as i/o :
analogue synth's, etc.)
as options, not yet in the firmware, but i am already working on:
these options are already on the pcb's, but just not used yet.
a rough price estimate is about 150-160 euro's in parts and pcb's for the above, plus shipping/tax, if applicable.
up to four userboards can be connected to one mainboard, altough there are no seperate boards for that available right now.
as a help for the interrested people which can not do the solderwork, im offering to do that for you for a small fee (see on my site).
im sending this to the pd-announce and pd-list list only, so feel free to forward the message to let others know as well ;-)