hi list,
what do you recommend to get as an audio interface for pd on ubuntu
it should be firewire, at least 4 chan/io and not too pricy. ~300 euro
thanks for any hints. max
I've just bought and configured an Edirol FA-66 with Ubuntu using the freebob driver, and it works well giving low latency ~5ms with virtually no xruns in Jack. I have only had it set up for one day though, so i haven't tested it extensively!
It has 6ins/6outs, with 2 mic pre-amps + phantom power and a built in Limiter. You can get one in the UK for 199 GBP , which I think fits your price range.
On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 11:56 +0200, Max Neupert wrote:
hi jamie,
thanks for the tip. i have the motu traveler here and searched in the
net for a driver. after reading all the kernel patches stuff on the
freebob page i got scared, gave up and decided i would rather go for
an alsa driver device which hopefully would run without too much
magic. but they all seem to be usb. is there any device with alsa and
Am 11.10.2006 um 21:52 schrieb Jamie Bullock: