At 14:07 2012-08-07, i go bananas wrote:
If you only want to playback the data, then the easiest way might
be just to change pd's sample rate to 256hz.
If that doesn't work, maybe have a look at readsf~ help to see how
to manually set playback parameters
well, i want to use the EEG data as control data for an audio
signal, so lowering the samplerate is no option..
the help from readsf~ doesn't say anything about changing the
samplerate.. (but shouldn't it just read the right samplerate from
the file? it's a normal .wav file..)
At 15:17 2012-08-07, Johanna Nowak wrote:
have a look at the help-file for the block~ object, which can do
up/downsampling in a subpatch.
i tried running it from a subpatch with a lower samplerate, but that
didn't change anything..
If you have enough ram, you could also load all soundfile data into 28
tables, and read from those using tabread4~ or even a message-based
tabread followed by a line~.
i will give that a try. thanks for the suggestion!
Have you tried opening the 256Hz wav file(s) in another application,
such as sox[1], and resampling it there, resulting in a 44.1kHz file?
On Tuesday, August 7, 2012, kristof lauwers wrote:
I'm trying to play back a rather uncommon file with readsf~. It's
3 hours of EEG data, on 28 channels, with a samplerate of only 256
hz. At first sight, readsf~ deals well with the 28 channels, but
it seems to play it back way too fast.. Is there a way to make rit
play back the file at the right speed?
I'm using Pd version 0.40.3-extended on windows xp..
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