I'm experiencing some strange things with arrays. This seems like it would be noticed by now, so perhaps I am missunderstanding something.
I just checked out a fresh CVS of pd.
And, It seems to me that arrays are storing mysterious 0's for values that should be otherwise.
for example, if you look at the help patch for [tabread] and step through the index of array99 I get values of "0" for indexes 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 where the plot is showing that the values for those indexes are positive non-zero integers.
attatched is also a test patch I made when trying to figure this out.
any ideas?
And, It seems to me that arrays are storing mysterious 0's for values that should be otherwise.
for example, if you look at the help patch for [tabread] and step through the index of array99 I get values of "0" for indexes 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 where the plot is showing that the values for those indexes
sounds like you use an x86_64 machine..
And, It seems to me that arrays are storing mysterious 0's for values that should be otherwise.
for example, if you look at the help patch for [tabread] and step through the index of array99 I get values of "0" for indexes 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 where the plot is showing that the values for those indexes
sounds like you use an x86_64 machine..
thanks. I didn't even think of that.
I searched for x86_64 online and see that this is a known issue, and that the fix is not very trivial.
Anyone know what the fix would entail? Where to start? Is it just with the tables?
Maybe I can get to it, since I will be needing it eventually.
On Wed, 3 May 2006, august wrote:
I searched for x86_64 online and see that this is a known issue, and that the fix is not very trivial. Anyone know what the fix would entail?
Where to start? Is it just with the tables? Maybe I can get to it, since I will be needing it eventually.
At the very least you have to edit d_soundfile.c; in five minutes you can find two obvious problems (int vs long) but it may take a long time to take the remaining bugs.
Good luck reviewing d_soundfile.c, and one last tip, if you see a function called "pute", don't mind, Miller thought the name was funny because it means "whore" in French, but he defined it as just a conditional post() for debugging purposes. Don't expect the name to mean anything relevant like s_inter.c's "sys_defaultfontshit".
I was going to fix the 64-bit mode but I figured that 64-bit mode is still mostly useless because many other apps still have serious 64-bit mode bugs (so I can't really use a 64-bit mode OS) and because people don't (yet) have a need to put more than 4 gigs in the same process and because the speedup due to increased register-set isn't that great (which compiler and/or options of compiler do i have to use to see a real difference?) and also because no-one did put money on the bugs.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada