hello List! A dummy question. Is it possible to transport a patch pd on a light electronic system, which is powered by a simple batterie?
Because, I think about interaction in the city, with sensors and speakers. the problem is the computer between them. Not very simple to leave a computer (or a computer in a box) in a street. Is there a way to export to another protected machine for outdoor?
Ps: I can't go to the pd convention (money, money) so I couldn't see the list in real life, snif snif. so, have a big fun meeting. Shoot the evidence, and stand up pure data in the real world !
A dummy question. Is it possible to transport a patch pd on a light electronic system, which is powered by a simple batterie?
I run PD on a mini-itx EPIA-5000 motherboard (www.mini-itx.com/store/default.asp?c=2#p1601) with just a laptop hard drive and this very light power suply (www.mini-itx.com/store/default.asp?c=10#p1804). The motherboard is only 17x17cm and by using Linux, you could easaly have your patch launched automaticaIy at startup. I use it this way for a piece I did (a PD controlled pinball machine) and have found it very reliable.
I guess you could replace the 220V to 12V converter by a battery.
Hope this helps, Julien
On Sep 14, 2004, at 8:29 PM, Julien Jassaud wrote:
A dummy question. Is it possible to transport a patch pd on a light
electronic system, which is powered by a simple batterie?I run PD on a mini-itx EPIA-5000 motherboard
(www.mini-itx.com/store/default.asp?c=2#p1601) with just a laptop hard
drive and this very light power suply
(www.mini-itx.com/store/default.asp?c=10#p1804). The motherboard is
only 17x17cm and by using Linux, you could easaly have your patch
launched automaticaIy at startup. I use it this way for a piece I did
(a PD controlled pinball machine) and have found it very reliable.I guess you could replace the 220V to 12V converter by a battery.
The gluiph might work for this too:
"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an
idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps
it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the
possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of
- Thomas Jefferson