How could I "turn on and off DSP" of a graph, local patch or object? I know [ ; pd dsp 1 ] message work for the whole pd process... but what if I want for exemple turn on/off a bonk~ object inside a graph on a child process just when I need it? Can't I save memory with this?
Sure, just include a [switch~] object in the desired patch or subpatch. Then control this with either a toggle or 0 and 1 messages. On is 1, off is 0.
On 11/6/06, glerm soares organismo@gmail.com wrote:
How could I "turn on and off DSP" of a graph, local patch or object? I know [ ; pd dsp 1 ] message work for the whole pd process... but what if I want for exemple turn on/off a bonk~ object inside a graph on a child process just when I need it? Can't I save memory with this?
-- _________________gLeRM SoAreS.......: baixem o album do matema 17mp3 num pacote--> http://www.organismo.art.br/matema
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
glerm soares schreef:
How could I "turn on and off DSP" of a graph, local patch or object? I know [ ; pd dsp 1 ] message work for the whole pd process... but what if I want for exemple turn on/off a bonk~ object inside a graph on a child process just when I need it? Can't I save memory with this?
-- _________________gLeRM SoAreS.......: baixem o album do matema 17mp3 num pacote--> http://www.organismo.art.br/matema
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
How could I "turn on and off DSP" of a graph, local patch or object? I know [ ; pd dsp 1 ] message work for the whole pd process... but what if I want for exemple turn on/off a bonk~ object inside a graph on a child process just when I need it? Can't I save memory with this?
you will also save cpu time of course ... [switch~] is the object you need !
LG Georg
thanks a lot!
2006/11/6, Georg Holzmann grhPD@gmx.at:
How could I "turn on and off DSP" of a graph, local patch or object? I know [ ; pd dsp 1 ] message work for the whole pd process... but what if I want for exemple turn on/off a bonk~ object inside a graph on a child process just when I need it? Can't I save memory with this?
you will also save cpu time of course ... [switch~] is the object you need !
LG Georg