On Jun 9, 2004, at 8:11 PM, Pedro Carneiro wrote:
Yes it should run well on that computer.
Yes, I installed MacOS X first, then GNU/Linux.
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are
deliberately throwing it away
to benefit those who profit from scarcity."
-John Gilmore
you could also give a try to gentoo, it's running fine on a ibook with pd, pdp, pidip, gem (blablabla) and it has an "ok" documentation. the only problem i had so far was the audio acting weird sometimes (very low or way too high) but i didn't have time to check it deeply (it's not my ibook), anyway it's an alsa related problem and you may have the same with debian and this ibook model. Besides this, everything is well supported (concerning this ibook model), the only annoying thing i found was the mapping of the right and middle click to the keyboard, but well ... that's mac :)
+! aym3ric.
This is way off topic, but I tried a two-button USB mouse on a G4 once, and the right button worked in exactly the same way as 'apple-click'! I don't know if this 'hidden feature' works under PPC Linux, but it's worth a try...
aym3ric wrote:
This is way off topic, but I tried a two-button USB mouse on a G4 once, and the right button worked in exactly the same way as 'apple-click'! I don't know if this 'hidden feature' works under PPC Linux, but it's worth a try...
aym3ric wrote:
This is way off topic, but I tried a two-button USB mouse on a G4 once, and the right button worked in exactly the same way as 'apple-click'! I don't know if this 'hidden feature' works under PPC Linux, but it's worth a try...
aym3ric wrote:
aym3ric stm-sq@bleu255.com writes:
You could always get any 3-button mouse (USB) supported by linux and had a go with it. It should work fine with a right driver.