few years go, i used a wacom with the [gemtablet] object. this was working perfectly. but i now realize that this object is no more part of Gem (since 3 years). the dummy object that replace it say that one must use hid instead. so did i.
but i failed making it work.
i'm using linux and hid from pd svn.
i send a "open /dev/input/wacom" message to the hid object, and get as only answer : info: open 0 info: device 0
if i start pooling, then the wacom did not work anymore, and i have to reboot the computer to make it work again.
playing a bit more with that object made pd to crash.
any suggestion to make my wacom work with hid? any other object that could get data from a wacom? or should i try to get the old sources of gemtablet to compile again???
thanks Cyrille
I'm not in front of a Linux machine at the moment, but I was using a Wacom tablet in linux for the last couple years. [HID] doesn't work with calling the symbolic links in /dev/input/. I was able to get the tablet to send out data with [hid] by going through the [open $1( with all indeces, clicking on [info(, then seeing if it was the tablet. I tried various ways to automate this with the output info strings but never got anything to work consistently. This, and that I didn't like the way control data was output, made me switch back to using [linuxevent]. It works just find with [open /dev/input/wacom ( and the data is easy to interpret in pd. I attached a (very dirty) patch that I used to route the control data with [linuxevent], hope it saves you some time.
Tablets don't seem to work well with [hid] in any platform (not in windows either, right?), not at all in OS X, the platform I am now on. I'm re-writing a general purpose [tablet] external right now that will at first only work in OS X, but hopefully it can cover all platforms later on down the road. It is just that the API is different for the three big ones, mac, linux, and windows.
regards, Rich
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 12:12 PM, cyrille henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
[hid] uses the input.h struct, which the /dev/input/event* devices
give. I don't know what /dev/input/wacom outputs. Try using an /dev/
input/event* device.
On Dec 21, 2009, at 3:12 AM, cyrille henry wrote:
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during
that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big
Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General Smedley Butler
The problem that I had with /dev/input/even* devices is that it always changes when you unplug/replug your tablet. /dev/input/wacom is a symbolic link to the newly created input, no matter what event* it is.
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.atwrote:
Does pd have permissions to open /dev/input/wacom (or any of the event*'s)?
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:51 PM, cyrille henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
What distribution are you running? In the newer Ubuntu's (ex Jaunty), I had to do all sorts of things to get back the old (and working) xorg configuration and stop using udev. I have a ton of posts about this on the linuxwacom-discuss mailing list and probably this one too, I think I was having the same problems as you were then, and finally got it fixed (right before my laptop was stolen and I bought a macbook :). It may work better now, probably with more tweaking, as that was 1/2 a year ago.
One thing to try; do you get any tablet data output using wacdump?
Good luck getting it working, I'll try to help more if I can.
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:21 PM, cyrille henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
hello, i'm running the last ubuntu (9.10), using kernel 2.6.31
hum, i don' really want to spend lot's of time tweaking stuff. it is sad to realize that using a wacom use to be very easy but it is no more...
sudo wacdump /dev/input/wacom gives me a segmentation fault...
thanks for your help Cyrille
Rich E a écrit :
Oops, try /dev/input/event[whatever the event number is], maybe it work with symbolic links (like [hid]). I don't have an ubuntu machine around, so I can only give suggestions, but you'll find a ton of posts about this topic in pd and linuxwacom mailing lists.
You are probably having the same problems that I was having before I purged my system of udev/hal.
I agree, getting a tablet to work properly in pd has become a pain (worse in OS X and windows), but once you do, it makes for a great and cheap controller. Arg.. there was one post that I followed exactly on the ubuntu forums on how to get rid of hal, but I can't find it :( But, maybe this isn't the best way anymore, maybe they got things working correctly. The linuxwacom list is really helpful and always got me on the right track (since the problems were changing as rapidly as Ubuntu).
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:48 PM, cyrille henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
Rich E a écrit :
thanks for the sugestion, using event[number] is exactly the same than using the symbolic link
i think i will plug my wacom on an other computer, and use gemmouse to get it's data... it's a bit crappy, but it should be very easy...
thanks Cyrille
You are probably having the same problems that I was having before I purged my system of udev/hal.
I think that xorg/Debian/Ubuntu has tightened up the security on input
devices to make it hard to log keystrokes, etc. That's my guess about
why they are making it hard. I am sure once someone nails down how
to work around it, it would be once again easy to allow Pd to get data
from HIDs.
On Dec 23, 2009, at 6:04 AM, cyrille henry wrote:
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams