I'm attempting to change the individual colour of geos that are being created using [repeat]. In the attached example so far I have geos randomly changing colour by reading values from an array. However, they do so really quickly which results in a lot of colour changes. Is there any way that I can change this?
if you control the index of the array read with the counter you created, then the color will not change.
you can also adjust the % to be at the same value than the repeat.
cheers c
Le 26/09/2012 01:35, Antonio Roberts a écrit :
I'm attempting to change the individual colour of geos that are being created using [repeat]. In the attached example so far I have geos randomly changing colour by reading values from an array. However, they do so really quickly which results in a lot of colour changes. Is there any way that I can change this?
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Thanks, that worked great!
On 26 September 2012 08:04, Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
if you control the index of the array read with the counter you created, then the color will not change.
you can also adjust the % to be at the same value than the repeat.
cheers c
Le 26/09/2012 01:35, Antonio Roberts a écrit :
I'm attempting to change the individual colour of geos that are being created using [repeat]. In the attached example so far I have geos randomly changing colour by reading values from an array. However, they do so really quickly which results in a lot of colour changes. Is there any way that I can change this?
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