Hi all
New to PD but I've got PD extended running on OSX (finally) without any startup errors. It's version RC8. Originally I had the missing font problem. The font I got from the PiDiP distribution ( http://ydegoyon.free.fr/pidip.html) for OSX and installed it in the correct usr folder. So now PD starts up with out any errors.
Now have the following problem.
Quicktime movies load OK into Gem but refuse to load into pdp_qt or pd_yqt.
There is always the error (no matter what codec} pdp_qt: opening /Volumes/OS9/testcropmpega.mov pdp_qt: video stream found (352x240 pixels, 15 fps, 238 frames, mjpa codec) pdp_qt: WARNING: unsupported video codec pdp_qt: ERROR: no usable video stream found. pdp_qt: opening /Applications/MaxMSP 4.5/patches/media/bball.mov pdp_qt: video stream found (320x240 pixels, 15 fps, 68 frames, jpeg codec) pdp_qt: audio stream found (1 channels, 22050 Hz, 99262 samples, chunksize 1470) pdp_qt: WARNING: unsupported video codec pdp_qt: WARNING: unsupported audio codec pdp_qt: ERROR: no usable video stream found.