I have a couple questions regarding PD on OS X and getting low latency for audio:
know there are a couple of OS X packages out there). I've started
trying to decrease my latency using the -frags command line option.
The problem is that with this (and all) command line options that I try
to use with this app, on startup it says there was an error parsing the
command line arguments. When I look at my saved startup preferences,
there is a square-looking character at the end of the arguments. Has
anyone else had this problem?
there a way to start pd from the command line on OS X? Should I use a different OS X port that somebody has made?
decrease my latency?
I have a G4 1GHz powerbook. I'm using an Audiophile USB card from m-audio. The latency patch from the Tools says my latency is about 69 ms. I'd like to get to 10 so that I can play my guitar along with my patches and process it...
Thanks for the help!!!
Chad Wood
On Nov 1, 2004, at 11:16 PM, Chadwick A. Wood wrote:
I think that's a bug in test4 that may have been fixed in test7, but I
haven't had time make a new package using Miller's 0.38test7... You
can make a .pdrc file in your home folder and put those options there.
The FAQ should have some info on the .pdrc.
I put my Pd into /Applications, so to run it from the command line, I
I haven't played with that much on MacOS X, so I am not much help to
you now. I have heard of people getting 14ms on MacOS X, but that's
probably about as low as you'll get with the current state of things.
But that is much better...
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. -David Zicarelli