I have begun to digest the .34-3 release, and found two interesting notes under `features' heading in src/notes:
performs rather well in my current project, although it needs more thought and more testing to be ready for a release. If pressed with a deadline, I may do it soon.
But the main obstacle, really, is qlist itself. For the sake of my current needs, I have cloned qlist into an external with more seq-like features, but it is very project-oriented...
float .wav is Samplitude's native format, which my students use very often (and for this reason I have been forced to add float .wavs reading to my sfplay~ clone).
Btw. opening html docs from Pure documentation menu works well with mozilla, galeon, nautilus, konqueror, opera and netscape 4.78 (the fastest in my system), but one needs to hard-edit pd.tk file...