Hi list,
this topic is somewhat known. How do I print postscript (vector graphic) from Pd's "Print..." menu entry?
For now pd creates postscript files, which can be converted to pdf using ps2pdf optioanlly followed by pdfcrop (at least on Linux). Nevertheless the font type, size and positions are different (and ugly) compared to the initial patch. Miller kindly shared his awk script on this list, to change fontsizes in the .ps files. Andy Farnell seems to have worked on this as well. If I am not mistaken it does something like
awk 'BEGIN {last = -10}
/findfont 8/ {
$1 = "/Courier-Bold"
$3 = 11.3
}' $1 > /tmp/tmp2.ps
I am wondering about the following: Depending on the patch fontsize, the "/findfont 8/" might hold a different value. I am wondering how these values correspond to pd font sizes, as this seems to have changed a bit over the last years.
Printing the testtone.pd patch with a Pd fontsize of 12 yields testtone.ps which holds entries of the form. /DejaVuSansMono-Bold findfont 7
Changing them with a modified version of above awk script to /Courier-Bold findfont 12 and running ps2pdf and pdfcrop on it will give fonts too small compared to the tcltk GUI yet at slightly elevated vertical position (see the attached file testtone-crop.pdf).
I am wondering what, as of 2017, is the best practice to pretty print pd patches in vector graphic format and hope to additionally find out why it is so hard to do.
Thank you for your help and comments! Peter
Hi list,
this topic is somewhat known. How do I print postscript (vector graphic) from Pd's "Print..." menu entry?
For now pd creates postscript files, which can be converted to pdf using ps2pdf optioanlly followed by pdfcrop (at least on Linux). Nevertheless the font type, size and positions are different (and ugly) compared to the initial patch. Miller kindly shared his awk script on this list, to change fontsizes in the .ps files. Andy Farnell seems to have worked on this as well. If I am not mistaken it does something like
awk 'BEGIN {last = -10} /findfont 8/ { last=NR $1 = "/Courier-Bold" $3 = 11.3 } { print }' $1 > /tmp/tmp2.ps
I am wondering about the following: Depending on the patch fontsize, the "/findfont 8/" might hold a different value. I am wondering how these values correspond to pd font sizes, as this seems to have changed a bit over the last years.
Printing the testtone.pd patch with a Pd fontsize of 12 yields testtone.ps which holds entries of the form. /DejaVuSansMono-Bold findfont 7
Changing them with a modified version of above awk script to /Courier-Bold findfont 12 and running ps2pdf and pdfcrop on it will give fonts too small compared to the tcltk GUI yet at slightly elevated vertical position (see the attached file testtone-crop.pdf).
I am wondering what, as of 2017, is the best practice to pretty print pd patches in vector graphic format and hope to additionally find out why it is so hard to do.
Oh, and if or how some of the awk/ps2pdf functionality could be put into Pd eventually. Thanks! P
are you aware of IOhannes patch2SVG?
https://puredata.info/downloads/patch2svg-plugin https://github.com/pure-data/gui-plugins
On 2017년 09월 26일 13:27, Peter P. wrote:
- Peter P. peterparker@fastmail.com [2017-09-26 13:25]:
Hi list,
this topic is somewhat known. How do I print postscript (vector graphic) from Pd's "Print..." menu entry?
For now pd creates postscript files, which can be converted to pdf using ps2pdf optioanlly followed by pdfcrop (at least on Linux). Nevertheless the font type, size and positions are different (and ugly) compared to the initial patch. Miller kindly shared his awk script on this list, to change fontsizes in the .ps files. Andy Farnell seems to have worked on this as well. If I am not mistaken it does something like
awk 'BEGIN {last = -10} /findfont 8/ { last=NR $1 = "/Courier-Bold" $3 = 11.3 } { print }' $1 > /tmp/tmp2.ps
I am wondering about the following: Depending on the patch fontsize, the "/findfont 8/" might hold a different value. I am wondering how these values correspond to pd font sizes, as this seems to have changed a bit over the last years.
Printing the testtone.pd patch with a Pd fontsize of 12 yields testtone.ps which holds entries of the form. /DejaVuSansMono-Bold findfont 7
Changing them with a modified version of above awk script to /Courier-Bold findfont 12 and running ps2pdf and pdfcrop on it will give fonts too small compared to the tcltk GUI yet at slightly elevated vertical position (see the attached file testtone-crop.pdf).
I am wondering what, as of 2017, is the best practice to pretty print pd patches in vector graphic format and hope to additionally find out why it is so hard to do.
Oh, and if or how some of the awk/ps2pdf functionality could be put into Pd eventually. Thanks! P
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are you aware of IOhannes patch2SVG?
https://puredata.info/downloads/patch2svg-plugin https://github.com/pure-data/gui-plugins
Thank you! I was not aware of it! And it works quite nicely! I converted the exported .svg file using inkscape -A testtone.pdf testtone.pd.svg and the result is attached for everyone's evaluation ;)
best, P