any PD related chat rooms out there?
greets, geenidee42
MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*
made some small changes to wiki frontpage addiong category community. ;)
after the stammtischlinks theres now one that takes you to: seems kinda down in europe thou.
ultimately, all of this should be switched to silc ( but i dont know wether the major irc networks support this at all ..
[test test]->[[PD] IRC]->[02-11-07 10:41]
|any PD related chat rooms out there?
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, cxlj wrote:
made some small changes to wiki frontpage addiong category community. ;) after the stammtischlinks theres now one that takes you to: seems kinda down in europe thou. ultimately, all of this should be switched to silc ( but i dont know wether the major irc networks support this at all ..
I talked to someone on EfNet#puredata some time ago and proposed we could merge jMax/PureData channels into one big channel. I don't know how well it would work out but it seems like a good idea to me, especially since jMax and PureData are similar and partially compatible, and because my own external is (supposed to be) working with both jMax and PureData.
I would call the channel #dataflow and put it on FreeNode. "dataflow" is the computational model that jMax/PD use; dataflow diagrams are in common use in soft.eng (or at least in courses thereof). I want the channel name to be neutral so that we can gather people from other similar software onto that channel more easily.
I wanted more feedback from the list guys: do you think it would be a good idea?
Mathieu Bouchard
I wanted more feedback from the list guys: do you think it would be a good idea?
Personally, I'm in favor of a combined pd/jmax IRC channel. Last time I tried to join 'the' pd channel (I checked the mailing archives, I think perhaps there has been more than one proposed), I don't recall it being very active. I don't have any first hand experience with the jMax chat crowd, but I would imagine the user base is (a) similarly sized and (b) similarly inclined as the pd crowd, even prior to considering technical compatability between the two programming environments. Just like newsgroups, mailing lists and community web sites like, IRC is one of the tools that we have as internet users to develop interchange about pd.
<soapbox> I don't think it's unfair to say that pd has a relatively 'small but fervent following'. Regardless, it is one of the most functional and extensible languages available to us as musicians/artists/academia. Although open source software addresses many of the complaints that electronic musicians have with their software such as, high price, not flexible, not reliable, open source software is less frequently used than it's commercial counterparts. As members of this list, this community, we are able to provide counter-examples to this sort of 'anti-free software' sentiment. An active IRC channel is representative of a responsive internet community and is a great way to share knowledge quickly and effectively so that we all may be more familiar with the tools, ideas and concepts common to us as users of pd & jMax. This is how as a community we may provide useful, concrete examples to those who would otherwise be experimenting with these way of creating and manipulating sound or video. </soapbox>
I would really like to see this happen. I've found it fairly difficult to locate like-minded music geeks of the pd/jMax variety, so being able to meet in an IRC channel brings everything closer to tangibility.
On Fri, 15 Nov 2002, I. Read wrote:
being very active. I don't have any first hand experience with the jMax chat crowd, but I would imagine the user base is (a) similarly sized and (b) similarly inclined as the pd crowd, even prior to considering technical compatability between the two programming environments.
I would really like to see this happen. I've found it fairly difficult to locate like-minded music geeks of the pd/jMax variety, so being able to meet in an IRC channel brings everything closer to tangibility.
The jMax crowd is much smaller imho. The jMax _chat_ crowd is about the same size as the PD chat crowd. However, as it is now, an overwhelming majority of discussions occurring on that channel are about video (Pixonix/VDSP and GridFlow), not audio nor midi nor 3D.
I hope that a channel in which there are both people interested in audio and people interested in video, will motivate more people to do both at once. Similarly, I hope that a channel about both jMax and PD will cause one program to import features of the other program, by circulation of ideas and wishes. Not sure this will happen, and I don't have real expectations in that direction; but certainly a bigger channel would feel livelier on average.
Mathieu Bouchard