does not seem to be working for me with the latest cvs build. print sent to control yields, no method message. control messages do nothing to change parameters. pd 39-1 from cvs.
is this working for anyone else?
Speaking of unhelpful help patches... ;-) I think the proper message to send is "info", and make sure it is connected to a [print] object. Otherwise, I am using PD 39 and CVS [plugin~] on Linux, and don't have this problem. The [plugin~] object can be a tricky little runt, however, so make sure the LADSPA name is correct also.
Ken wrote:
does not seem to be working for me with the latest cvs build. print sent to control yields, no method message. control messages do nothing to change parameters. pd 39-1 from cvs.
is this working for anyone else?