Hi there, I'm wondering about [hid] resolution, is [poll( something that has to do with it? In the installation i'm busy with few mice are often moved over a long distance (~1m) and often rather quick. I notice that after some certain movement speed the response goes very low. Of course this has to do with the resolution of the mouse itself, but after few comparisons with movements using driver of Xorg I suspect [hid] get's less DPI (CPI). Can it be that Xorg mouse driver has presets for different kinds of mice and it enables often available hi-res mode (logitech e.g. has a xorg.conf 'Option "Resolution" "1200"'), when [hid] uses 'default' 400dpi for any sort of mouse?
Any idea how to improve mouse response speed will be very much appreciated, thanks, Danja
There are a lot of different resolutions going on here, so I'll try
to outline them.
device itself. For example, I've seen joysticks axes have spatial
resolutions of 20-85, 0-127, 0-255, and 0-4096.
the OS respects that. Usually it is set to 10ms, which is plenty
fast for most applications
events. It defaults to 5ms, IIRC, and can be changed. But there is
really little reason to change this, and this functionality is being
removed from [hidio].
The xorg settings won't affect [hid] at all, it gets the data
directly from the kernel driver. The xorg data has been processed
and converted into something that makes sense to control a mouse
pointer on the screen. [hid] gives you just the raw data.
On Jun 26, 2007, at 12:16 AM, danja wrote:
Hi there, I'm wondering about [hid] resolution, is [poll( something that has
to do with it? In the installation i'm busy with few mice are often moved
over a long distance (~1m) and often rather quick. I notice that after some certain movement speed the response goes very low. Of course this
has to do with the resolution of the mouse itself, but after few comparisons with movements using driver of Xorg I suspect [hid] get's less DPI
(CPI). Can it be that Xorg mouse driver has presets for different kinds of
mice and it enables often available hi-res mode (logitech e.g. has a xorg.conf 'Option "Resolution" "1200"'), when [hid] uses 'default' 400dpi for any sort of mouse?Any idea how to improve mouse response speed will be very much
appreciated, thanks, Danja
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one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better
language; and every chapter must be so translated.... -John Donne