Hi all, I know the topic has been discussed a lot and I'm aware of few solutions. I'm writing to understand whether I miss any other option. I made this work ( http://marcodonnarumma.com/works/the-invisible-suns-project/ just posted to the announce list and many thanks to Cyrille and the all list for few fundamental tips).
It's conceived as a physical installation, but obviously it would make a lot of sense to have it available on-line. Basically what the application does is to retrieve data from the web, and use them to produce audio and video in real time. I try to outline the options I'm aware of, and I'd be glad if anyone could add ideas, and/or correct me..
Embedding audio:
_Pd installed on a server, computing audio and streaming through icecast and similar. _WebPd looks very promising, but only few objects are available at the moment and it works only with beta firefox version.
Embedding video:
_Pd installed on a server and PdGst to stream (???) or pdp streaming objects
Have anyone been able to embed an audiovisual patch?
Thanks in advance, cheers,