Hi PD-list readers, ______________________________________
OPEN CALL | LOCUS SONUS http://locusonus.org/ August 2006
Open Call to participate in the Locus Sonus Audio Streaming project !!
art research group Locus Sonus to participate in their streamed soundscapes open web-mike project.
garden (no pre-recorded playlists please) and become a remote member of the Locus Sonus orchestra.
environment as raw material for their installations and performances. As an added bonus all streams will be made available on a web page so that you can do your own international mix at will.
from diverse and exotic locations, the imaginative potential of the project and it's future development depends on diversity and richness the streams you propose. We will be happy to discuss artistic and technical issues with you.
(password required: contact support@locusonus.org) http://nujus.net/~locusonus/site/streams/download.html
presentations and to find out more about Locus Sonus in general, click here: http://locusonus.org/
NEXT PUBLIC EVENTS Presentations start from 15th to 30th of August in various performance and installation situations, starting with DIGIT Delaware Delaware Valley Arts Alliance & Roebling Bridge Environmental Arts and LMCC (Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) in partnership with THE THING Inc. (New York) with the support of Étant Donnés, The French-American Fund for Contemporary Art.
Presentations continue in the fall with an installation during the Arborescence festival in Aix-en-Provence, France, and an installation performance at GMEM, Marseille France.
Festival DIGIT: http://www.artsalliancesite.org/programs/digit_06.html LMCC: http://www.lmcc.net/ THE THING: http://bbs.thing.net/ Arborescence: http://www.arborescence.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=3 GMEM: http://www.gmem.org/
We presume that members of the PD list will have no problem in opening the patch and streaming however just in case here are some technical tips:
To Start Streaming You will Need :
download our PD patch
(ask to support@locusonus.org to obtain the
password) and run it using PureData :
http://at.or.at/hans/pd/installers.html that way
you can customize your stream (for osX, Windows
and Linux). We recommend that you use this Hans
Christoph Steiner's extended version which
includes the necessary ogg vorbis libraries.
We obtained the good results using the Dyne:bolic Linux distribution http://www.dynebolic.org/ The advantage being thats it's a liveCD (so you don't have to install the system) and that PD and all the necessary externals are already installed. You might run into difficulties if the system doesn't recognize the PCs built in sound card in which case the easiest option is to find an old soundblaster card and disactivate the built-in card in the bios.
It's important for us to get a wide range of soundscapes and social situations, remember that urban sound is pretty similar around the western world so you might want to chose to place your microphone so as to capture interesting or unique aspects of your environment and also to listen to the other current streams to caracterize yours.
We are also finding that in most circumstances it is preferable to customize the patch, sometimes a little filtering is all thats needed (as for example: port.ogg) but we've also built a sampling patch which records and plays back recent sound events continually updating its database (as for example: cap15.ogg).
Listen to the current streams: http://nujus.net/~locusonus/site/streams/index.html Travel and listen to the current streams with a map: http://nujus.net/~locusonus/site/streams/map.html
Locus Sonus Lab Nicolas Bralet, Jerome Joy, Esther Salmona, Peter Sinclair, Lydwine van der Hulst http://locusonus.org/
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