just working with pyext after long time not using it. Couple of things
First, on PD extended 0.39.3 on linux at least (not sure about the new pd version) on the docs folder there is a folder manuals/py which only contains license, readme and an empty folder called scripts. The actual examples for py are actually located at examples/py I suggest all could be either in manuals/py or examples/py, in any case having the empty "script" older is a bit confusing. I thought for a sec that the docs where just not included with PD extended to later find them under examples.
Secondly, I am working on a script that needs to be initialised on load with _detach set to 1. According to the docs I could solve this in PD passing a message detach 1. This works fine but I need to set this from Python on initalisation. Again the docs say I should set (class?) variable _detach = 1. But this does not work for me, it runs as if it was still set to 0:
class myclass( pyext._class): _detach=1 _outlets=3 ... and so on..
the script example (threading.py) has this documentation on this issue """ _detach([0/1]): by enabling thread detaching, threads will run in their own threads """ but the pd patch (thread-1.pd) say this takes three valid values (0/1/2)
Finally after some digging in python printing dir(myclass) and help(myclass) I found that there is a (private?) class function called _detach that can be used like this myclassname._detach(self, 1)
using this funtion does not look very good to me (i guess it is private). On top of this the code is not executed on initialisation, as i need, but only when the function is called. any ideas on how i can do this? maybe extending __init__ ? but i am not sure how to do this. I hope i made myself clear ...