Hi all, I am experiencing a very strange problem with pd. For a month I did not use pd and I did regular system updates and kernel recompiles. Today I have launched again pd, but it did not start up.. instead it spittes out this strange stuff:
priority 98 scheduling enabled.
priority 96 scheduling enabled.
watchdog: signaling pd...
watchdog: signaling pd...
(when I don't run as root it just does not start up in a mute way)
the worst thing is that this problem persists even after I uninstall
(make uninstall) and recompile the program...
Any advice?
Thank you in advance, Andrea Fiore
More Info: I am running PD (0.40.1) on a Linux Gentoo x86 and I use the 2.6.17 version of the Linux kernel with the realtime module.
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