If i use two pdp_yqt objects to load two different quicktime videos (for example like in the help-pdp_canvas.pd) the videostreams collide. I am using mpeg4 encoded quicktime files.
Using two pdp_xv or two textured p3d_object doesn't help Using separate threads for pdp also doesn't help. Using pdp_qt instead of pdp_yqt yields the same result.
Maybe libquicktime is broken.
my versions:
ffmpeg-cvs-2003-12-02 libquicktime-cvs-2003-12-03 (how to get the date from a cvs fetch?) Pd version 0.37.1 TEST1 PDP: version 0.12.2 PiDiP: version 0.12.11
Question: Has anybody multiple video files working? Then which version are you using?
Thanks in advance;