This is my first mail sent to the pd-list, that I've used often as a resource to solve my Pd problems. Thomas Grill, the author of "pool" and all the other "flext" goodness, such as the xsample externals recommended asking help here, since the problem I'm facing is somewhat specific. I use Pd-extended 0.41.4 on my MacBook as my main programming environment and I'm developing an installation project that uses a tangible interface and fiducials. For better tracking and management of the fiducials, I'm using JY Gratius' abstractions, that require "pool". No problem on my Mac, but the deployment of the installation has to be done with a Linux machine, and now I'm facing some strange issues. The available Pd-extended packages for recent Linux distributions are 0.42.5-rc5 and they seem to work just fine (I'm trying out Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio 9.10 and 10.04), but whenever I try to use the pool object (directly, or via the fid_class object from fid_abs), PureData freezes. I've launch it via terminal with the double verbose option and I get a lot of jibberish (I'm really a newbie when it comes to Linux) and some of the error I got point in the direction of Gem. Some even pointed to early discussions here about Gem versions and flext externals and problems with file or command name replacements (sorry but I can't find the link, now...). I've made a simple test, following one of Grill's suggestions here on the mailing list of testing on Pd-vanilla, and the fact is that when I disable GEM, "pool" works just fine. But I need GEM and pool working together, as they do on my Mac. Is this a version problem? Does the new Gem "breaks" "pool" and/or other flext objects? Is it a Linux issue? Can anyone point me at the right direction when it comes to having a stable Pd-extended on Linux with externals such as "pool"?
Thank you all.
João Martins
trying to use JY Gratius fid_abs: Thomas Grill pool:
The usual reply to myself kind of thing. I've just tested an earlier pd-extended package, with GEM 0.91.3 (that's the one working in my Mac), and the problem persists.
When I create a "pool" instance and open the help patch and then try to close it (this is the fastest way to test, since it produces the same output as putting a fid_class object into the patch), this is what I get at the terminal console:
*** glibc detected *** pd: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0a53dd2c *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7515704] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb75176b6] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_root_singledlEPv+0x32)[0xb5b337b4] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN12flext_single8AtomList4FreeEv+0x25)[0xb5b33975] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN12flext_single8AtomListD1Ev+0x28)[0xb5b33a40] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single12AttrDataCont5clearEv+0x60)[0xb5b318a6] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single12AttrDataContD0Ev+0x2a)[0xb5b32770] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single4ExitEv+0x7e)[0xb5b2dfa4] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN16flext_obj_single8obj_freeEP9flext_hdr+0x7b)[0xb5b30521] pd(pd_free+0x17)[0x80b67e7] ======= Memory map: ======== 08048000-08111000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455173 /usr/bin/pd 08111000-08112000 r--p 000c8000 08:01 10455173 /usr/bin/pd 08112000-08113000 rw-p 000c9000 08:01 10455173 /usr/bin/pd 08113000-08520000 rw-p 08113000 00:00 0 0a4b6000-0a543000 rw-p 0a4b6000 00:00 0 [heap] b5600000-b5621000 rw-p b5600000 00:00 0 b5621000-b5700000 ---p b5621000 00:00 0 b576c000-b57eb000 rw-p b6622000 00:00 0 b582c000-b5865000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 7029267 /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux b5865000-b5866000 r--p 00038000 08:01 7029267 /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux b5866000-b5867000 rw-p 00039000 08:01 7029267 /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux b5867000-b5868000 rw-p b5867000 00:00 0 b5868000-b5879000 r--p 00000000 08:01 10594421 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf b5879000-b58c9000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455130 /usr/lib/ b58c9000-b58ca000 r--p 0004f000 08:01 10455130 /usr/lib/ b58ca000-b58cb000 rw-p 00050000 08:01 10455130 /usr/lib/ b58cb000-b58df000 rw-p b58cb000 00:00 0 b58df000-b5921000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455140 /usr/lib/ b5921000-b5922000 r--p 00042000 08:01 10455140 /usr/lib/ b5922000-b5924000 rw-p 00043000 08:01 10455140 /usr/lib/ b5924000-b5954000 rw-p b5924000 00:00 0 b5954000-b595f000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ b595f000-b5960000 r--p 0000a000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ b5960000-b5a50000 rw-p 0000b000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ b5a50000-b5a6b000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455076 /usr/lib/ b5a6b000-b5a6c000 r--p 0001a000 08:01 10455076 /usr/lib/ b5a6c000-b5a7a000 rw-p 0001b000 08:01 10455076 /usr/lib/ b5a7a000-b5a7e000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10456342 /usr/lib/ b5a7e000-b5a7f000 r--p 00003000 08:01 10456342 /usr/lib/ b5a7f000-b5a80000 rw-p 00004000 08:01 10456342 /usr/lib/ b5a80000-b5acf000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10456539 /usr/lib/ b5acf000-b5ad0000 r--p 0004e000 08:01 10456539 /usr/lib/ b5ad0000-b5ad1000 rw-p 0004f000 08:01 10456539 /usr/lib/ b5b10000-b5b47000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 7029270 /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux b5b47000-b5b48000 ---p 00037000 08:01 7029270 /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux b5b48000-b5b49000 r--p 00037000 08:01 7029270 /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux b5b49000-b5b4a000 rw-p 00038000 08:01 7029270 /home/abade/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux b5b4a000-b5b4c000 rw-p b5b4a000 00:00 0 b5b4c000-b5b4d000 ---p b5b4c000 00:00 0 b5b4d000-b634d000 rwxp b5b4d000 00:00 0 b634d000-b6371000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454683 /usr/lib/ b6371000-b6372000 r--p 00023000 08:01 10454683 /usr/lib/ b6372000-b6373000 rw-p 00024000 08:01 10454683 /usr/lib/ b6373000-b654a000Pd: signal 6
It's exactly the same kind of problem I had with the latest builds of Pd-extended. So... is it a Linux thing?
The Pd console doesn't produce any output and it just gets "freezed" and I have to shut it down via terminal. I've tested it once with a real time kernel and the -rt flag, and I got the repetition of the "watchdog" process, but nothing else.
When I tested "Pd-vanilla" I've noticed, as did other users, that GEM warns about replacements on file or command names. Could that be responsible for these problems I'm experiencing?
Any help will be appreciated.
João Martins
No dia 23 de Agosto de 2010 20:03, João Martins joaomartins@mac.comescreveu:
This is my first mail sent to the pd-list, that I've used often as a resource to solve my Pd problems. Thomas Grill, the author of "pool" and all the other "flext" goodness, such as the xsample externals recommended asking help here, since the problem I'm facing is somewhat specific. I use Pd-extended 0.41.4 on my MacBook as my main programming environment and I'm developing an installation project that uses a tangible interface and fiducials. For better tracking and management of the fiducials, I'm using JY Gratius' abstractions, that require "pool". No problem on my Mac, but the deployment of the installation has to be done with a Linux machine, and now I'm facing some strange issues. The available Pd-extended packages for recent Linux distributions are 0.42.5-rc5 and they seem to work just fine (I'm trying out Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio 9.10 and 10.04), but whenever I try to use the pool object (directly, or via the fid_class object from fid_abs), PureData freezes. I've launch it via terminal with the double verbose option and I get a lot of jibberish (I'm really a newbie when it comes to Linux) and some of the error I got point in the direction of Gem. Some even pointed to early discussions here about Gem versions and flext externals and problems with file or command name replacements (sorry but I can't find the link, now...). I've made a simple test, following one of Grill's suggestions here on the mailing list of testing on Pd-vanilla, and the fact is that when I disable GEM, "pool" works just fine. But I need GEM and pool working together, as they do on my Mac. Is this a version problem? Does the new Gem "breaks" "pool" and/or other flext objects? Is it a Linux issue? Can anyone point me at the right direction when it comes to having a stable Pd-extended on Linux with externals such as "pool"?
Thank you all.
João Martins
trying to use JY Gratius fid_abs: Thomas Grill pool:
-- João Pedro Martins música . web design mail: skype: joaopsmartins ichat: joaomartins msn: joaopsmartins
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 08:47:24PM +0100, João Martins wrote:
When I create a "pool" instance and open the help patch and then try to close it (this is the fastest way to test, since it produces the same output as putting a fid_class object into the patch), this is what I get at the terminal console:
*** glibc detected *** pd: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0a53dd2c *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7515704] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb75176b6] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_root_singledlEPv+0x32)[0xb5b337b4] /home/user/pd-externals/xsample/xsample.pd_linux(_ZN12flext_single8AtomList4FreeEv+0x25)[0xb5b33975]
I know that one: Isn't it strange that a crash in pool should give an error message about xsample.pd_linux? I don't know the exact reason for this, but a quick fix was to remove xsample.pd_linux when using pool. Of course then you cannot use xsample. :(
So the less quick fix for me was to recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources.
Well... I'll test to see if it is really a problem between pool and xsample (they both work on my Mac), and not GEM. Did you notice that if I take Gem out, pool and xsample stop having problems? But I'm more than willing to follow any suggestions. Could I ask you for instructions on how to "recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources"? Or a good link for Linux newbies?
João Martins
2010/8/24 Frank Barknecht
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 08:47:24PM +0100, João Martins wrote:
When I create a "pool" instance and open the help patch and then try to close it (this is the fastest way to test, since it produces the same
as putting a fid_class object into the patch), this is what I get at the terminal console:
*** glibc detected *** pd: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0a53dd2c *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb7515704] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0xb75176b6]
I know that one: Isn't it strange that a crash in pool should give an error message about xsample.pd_linux? I don't know the exact reason for this, but a quick fix was to remove xsample.pd_linux when using pool. Of course then you cannot use xsample. :(
So the less quick fix for me was to recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources.
Frank mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 09:33:53AM +0100, João Martins wrote:
Well... I'll test to see if it is really a problem between pool and xsample (they both work on my Mac), and not GEM. Did you notice that if I take Gem out, pool and xsample stop having problems?
Ah, no, I overlooked that. Then I would rather get a fresh Gem first, it may be available in one of the newer Pd-extended versions.
But I'm more than willing to follow any suggestions. Could I ask you for instructions on how to "recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources"? Or a good link for Linux newbies?
Puh, it's been a while since I compiled it. should have the most current information.
So, I've tried using a fresher copy of GEM (0.92.3) and not having xsample in the way, and I got apparently the same problem:
*** glibc detected *** pdextended: free(): invalid pointer: 0x09c2b864 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17b0d1] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17c7d2] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17f8ad] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_root_singledlEPv+0x32)[0x89d52b4] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN12flext_single8AtomList4FreeEv+0x25)[0x89d54d5] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN12flext_single8AtomListD1Ev+0x28)[0x89d55a0] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single12AttrDataCont5clearEv+0x60)[0x89d33a6] /home/abade/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single12AttrDataContD0Ev+0x2a)[0x89d4270] /home/abade/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single4ExitEv+0x7e)[0x89d0694] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN16flext_obj_single8obj_freeEP9flext_hdr+0x7b)[0x89d2021] pdextended(pd_free+0x17)[0x80b5af7] ======= Memory map: ======== 00110000-0024e000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024e000-0024f000 ---p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024f000-00251000 r--p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00251000-00252000 rw-p 00140000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00252000-00255000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00255000-00266000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00266000-00267000 r--p 00010000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00267000-00268000 rw-p 00011000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00268000-0026f000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 0026f000-00270000 r--p 00006000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00270000-00271000 rw-p 00007000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00271000-00274000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00274000-00275000 r--p 00002000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00275000-00276000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00276000-00278000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00278000-00279000 r--p 00001000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00279000-0027a000 rw-p 00002000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0027a000-002c2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c2000-002c3000 r--p 00047000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c3000-002c4000 rw-p 00048000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c4000-002c8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c8000-002c9000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c9000-002ca000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002ca000-00330000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00330000-00331000 r--p 00065000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00331000-00332000 rw-p 00066000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00332000-00336000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00336000-00344000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00344000-00345000 r--p 0000d000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00345000-00346000 rw-p 0000e000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00346000-00359000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00359000-0035a000 r--p 00012000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035a000-0035b000 rw-p 00013000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035b000-0035d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 0035d000-003ab000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ab000-003ac000 r--p 0004d000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ac000-003ad000 rw-p 0004e000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ad000-003b2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b2000-003b3000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b3000-003b4000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b4000-003b8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b8000-003b9000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b9000-003bb000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bb000-003bc000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bc000-003bd000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003bd000-003be000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003be000-003d3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d3000-003d4000 r--p 00014000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d4000-003d5000 rw-p 00015000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d5000-003d7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 003d7000-00541000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00541000-00542000 r--p 00169000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00542000-00543000 rw-p 0016a000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00543000-0066d000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066d000-0066e000 ---p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066e000-0066f000 r--p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066f000-00671000 rw-p 0012b000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 00671000-00672000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00672000-0069c000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069c000-0069e000 r--p 00029000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069e000-0069f000 rw-p 0002b000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069f000-006a3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a3000-006a4000 r--p 00003000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a4000-006a5000 rw-p 00004000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a5000-006b9000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006b9000-006ba000 r--p 00013000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006ba000-006bb000 rw-p 00014000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006bb000-006d6000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d6000-006d7000 r--p 0001b000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d7000-006d9000 rw-p 0001c000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d9000-006e5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 006e5000-00707000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 00707000-0070c000 rw-p 00022000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 0070c000-0071f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00720000-00721000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00721000-00722000 r--p 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00722000-00723000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00723000-00792000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10456713 /usr/lib/ signal 6
The machine running this has an IntelAtom processor. Should I test it exclusively with the "lpia" packages? I've noticed that these "lpia" packages do not add the application to the app launcher. Launching it via console is not an issue, but they look differently, as if anti-aliasing was off for the GUI.
I'll test on that environment to see if it has any influence on this problem. In the meantime, any help is highly welcomed.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 09:52, Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.orgescreveu:
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 09:33:53AM +0100, João Martins wrote:
Well... I'll test to see if it is really a problem between pool and
(they both work on my Mac), and not GEM. Did you notice that if I take
out, pool and xsample stop having problems?
Ah, no, I overlooked that. Then I would rather get a fresh Gem first, it may be available in one of the newer Pd-extended versions.
But I'm more than willing to follow any suggestions. Could I ask you for instructions on how to "recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources"? Or a good link for Linux newbies?
Puh, it's been a while since I compiled it. should have the most current information.
On 08/24/2010 11:17 AM, João Martins wrote:
So, I've tried using a fresher copy of GEM (0.92.3) and not having xsample in the way, and I got apparently the same problem:
oops, i just checked the 0.92 sources, and it seems that my fix is not there yet.
if you feel experimental, you could try to build Gem from svn/trunk and see whether it works then.
if not then probably the same measurements (protecting new/delete) have to be taken on the flext side as well, but i don't know the code there...
*** glibc detected *** pdextended: free(): invalid pointer: 0x09c2b864 ***
"free()" indicates that i might have guessed the problem right...
fgasdr IOhannes
Nothing is as simple as it looks, as I'm learning by the minute. With the latest release of Pd, turning off Gem does not allow "pool" to work properly, and I get exactly the same error message. This leads me back to "pool" in itself. Compiling all of "flext" really seems a daunting task, but I think I'll give it a go, if no one comes up with a better suggestion. ;)
Thank you all.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 10:17, João Martins joaomartins@mac.comescreveu:
So, I've tried using a fresher copy of GEM (0.92.3) and not having xsample in the way, and I got apparently the same problem:
*** glibc detected *** pdextended: free(): invalid pointer: 0x09c2b864 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17b0d1] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17c7d2] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17f8ad]
/home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN16flext_obj_single8obj_freeEP9flext_hdr+0x7b)[0x89d2021] pdextended(pd_free+0x17)[0x80b5af7] ======= Memory map: ======== 00110000-0024e000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024e000-0024f000 ---p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024f000-00251000 r--p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00251000-00252000 rw-p 00140000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00252000-00255000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00255000-00266000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00266000-00267000 r--p 00010000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00267000-00268000 rw-p 00011000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00268000-0026f000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 0026f000-00270000 r--p 00006000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00270000-00271000 rw-p 00007000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00271000-00274000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00274000-00275000 r--p 00002000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00275000-00276000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00276000-00278000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00278000-00279000 r--p 00001000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00279000-0027a000 rw-p 00002000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0027a000-002c2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c2000-002c3000 r--p 00047000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c3000-002c4000 rw-p 00048000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c4000-002c8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c8000-002c9000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c9000-002ca000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002ca000-00330000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00330000-00331000 r--p 00065000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00331000-00332000 rw-p 00066000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00332000-00336000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00336000-00344000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00344000-00345000 r--p 0000d000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00345000-00346000 rw-p 0000e000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00346000-00359000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00359000-0035a000 r--p 00012000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035a000-0035b000 rw-p 00013000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035b000-0035d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 0035d000-003ab000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ab000-003ac000 r--p 0004d000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ac000-003ad000 rw-p 0004e000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ad000-003b2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b2000-003b3000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b3000-003b4000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b4000-003b8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b8000-003b9000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b9000-003bb000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bb000-003bc000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bc000-003bd000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003bd000-003be000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003be000-003d3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d3000-003d4000 r--p 00014000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d4000-003d5000 rw-p 00015000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d5000-003d7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 003d7000-00541000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00541000-00542000 r--p 00169000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00542000-00543000 rw-p 0016a000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00543000-0066d000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066d000-0066e000 ---p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066e000-0066f000 r--p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066f000-00671000 rw-p 0012b000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 00671000-00672000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00672000-0069c000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069c000-0069e000 r--p 00029000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069e000-0069f000 rw-p 0002b000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069f000-006a3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a3000-006a4000 r--p 00003000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a4000-006a5000 rw-p 00004000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a5000-006b9000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006b9000-006ba000 r--p 00013000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006ba000-006bb000 rw-p 00014000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006bb000-006d6000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d6000-006d7000 r--p 0001b000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d7000-006d9000 rw-p 0001c000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d9000-006e5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 006e5000-00707000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 00707000-0070c000 rw-p 00022000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 0070c000-0071f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00720000-00721000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00721000-00722000 r--p 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00722000-00723000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00723000-00792000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10456713 /usr/lib/ signal 6
The machine running this has an IntelAtom processor. Should I test it exclusively with the "lpia" packages? I've noticed that these "lpia" packages do not add the application to the app launcher. Launching it via console is not an issue, but they look differently, as if anti-aliasing was off for the GUI.
I'll test on that environment to see if it has any influence on this problem. In the meantime, any help is highly welcomed.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 09:52, Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.orgescreveu:
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 09:33:53AM +0100, João Martins wrote:
Well... I'll test to see if it is really a problem between pool and
(they both work on my Mac), and not GEM. Did you notice that if I take
out, pool and xsample stop having problems?
Ah, no, I overlooked that. Then I would rather get a fresh Gem first, it may be available in one of the newer Pd-extended versions.
But I'm more than willing to follow any suggestions. Could I ask you for instructions on how to "recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources"? Or a good link for Linux newbies?
Puh, it's been a while since I compiled it. should have the most current information.
-- João Pedro Martins música . web design mail: skype: joaopsmartins ichat: joaomartins msn: joaopsmartins
moin João,
Not that I think this will be of much help, but when I had similar flext-related crashes ("free(): invalid pointer") in the past, it turned out to be due to missing initialization code in the constructor. I really don't believe [pool] suffers from this problem (we would have heard about it before now), but cf. my signature :-/
Anyhoo, I found it helped (but didn't solve all problems) to compile the flext externals in "static debug" mode -- of course, this causes some memory bloat and slows things down a bit, but it might get you running on your target architecture...
marmosets, Bryan
On 2010-08-24 11:30:30, João Martins appears to have written:
Nothing is as simple as it looks, as I'm learning by the minute. With the latest release of Pd, turning off Gem does not allow "pool" to work properly, and I get exactly the same error message. This leads me back to "pool" in itself. Compiling all of "flext" really seems a daunting task, but I think I'll give it a go, if no one comes up with a better suggestion. ;)
Thank you all.
João Martins
Hi Joao, interestingly i haven't asked before: what versions of flext, pool and xsample are you using? I'm asking i would always recommend to compile from the svn source - which should not be all that daunting. I might not be the right source of comfort but i guess there are people here that can easily lead you through the process. gr~~~
Am 24.08.2010 um 11:30 schrieb João Martins:
Nothing is as simple as it looks, as I'm learning by the minute. With the latest release of Pd, turning off Gem does not allow "pool" to work properly, and I get exactly the same error message. This leads me back to "pool" in itself. Compiling all of "flext" really seems a daunting task, but I think I'll give it a go, if no one comes up with a better suggestion. ;)
Thank you all.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 10:17, João Martins escreveu: So, I've tried using a fresher copy of GEM (0.92.3) and not having xsample in the way, and I got apparently the same problem:
*** glibc detected *** pdextended: free(): invalid pointer: 0x09c2b864 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17b0d1] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17c7d2] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17f8ad] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_root_singledlEPv+0x32)[0x89d52b4] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN12flext_single8AtomList4FreeEv+0x25)[0x89d54d5] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN12flext_single8AtomListD1Ev+0x28)[0x89d55a0] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single12AttrDataCont5clearEv+0x60)[0x89d33a6] /home/abade/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single12AttrDataContD0Ev+0x2a)[0x89d4270] /home/abade/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN17flext_base_single4ExitEv+0x7e)[0x89d0694] /home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN16flext_obj_single8obj_freeEP9flext_hdr+0x7b)[0x89d2021] pdextended(pd_free+0x17)[0x80b5af7] ======= Memory map: ======== 00110000-0024e000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024e000-0024f000 ---p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024f000-00251000 r--p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00251000-00252000 rw-p 00140000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00252000-00255000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00255000-00266000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00266000-00267000 r--p 00010000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00267000-00268000 rw-p 00011000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00268000-0026f000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 0026f000-00270000 r--p 00006000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00270000-00271000 rw-p 00007000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00271000-00274000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00274000-00275000 r--p 00002000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00275000-00276000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00276000-00278000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00278000-00279000 r--p 00001000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00279000-0027a000 rw-p 00002000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0027a000-002c2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c2000-002c3000 r--p 00047000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c3000-002c4000 rw-p 00048000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c4000-002c8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c8000-002c9000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c9000-002ca000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002ca000-00330000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00330000-00331000 r--p 00065000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00331000-00332000 rw-p 00066000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00332000-00336000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00336000-00344000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00344000-00345000 r--p 0000d000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00345000-00346000 rw-p 0000e000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00346000-00359000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00359000-0035a000 r--p 00012000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035a000-0035b000 rw-p 00013000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035b000-0035d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 0035d000-003ab000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ab000-003ac000 r--p 0004d000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ac000-003ad000 rw-p 0004e000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ad000-003b2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b2000-003b3000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b3000-003b4000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b4000-003b8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b8000-003b9000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b9000-003bb000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bb000-003bc000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bc000-003bd000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003bd000-003be000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003be000-003d3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d3000-003d4000 r--p 00014000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d4000-003d5000 rw-p 00015000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d5000-003d7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 003d7000-00541000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00541000-00542000 r--p 00169000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00542000-00543000 rw-p 0016a000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00543000-0066d000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066d000-0066e000 ---p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066e000-0066f000 r--p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066f000-00671000 rw-p 0012b000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 00671000-00672000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00672000-0069c000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069c000-0069e000 r--p 00029000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069e000-0069f000 rw-p 0002b000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069f000-006a3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a3000-006a4000 r--p 00003000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a4000-006a5000 rw-p 00004000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a5000-006b9000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006b9000-006ba000 r--p 00013000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006ba000-006bb000 rw-p 00014000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006bb000-006d6000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d6000-006d7000 r--p 0001b000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d7000-006d9000 rw-p 0001c000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d9000-006e5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 006e5000-00707000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 00707000-0070c000 rw-p 00022000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 0070c000-0071f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00720000-00721000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00721000-00722000 r--p 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00722000-00723000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00723000-00792000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10456713 /usr/lib/ signal 6
The machine running this has an IntelAtom processor. Should I test it exclusively with the "lpia" packages? I've noticed that these "lpia" packages do not add the application to the app launcher. Launching it via console is not an issue, but they look differently, as if anti-aliasing was off for the GUI.
I'll test on that environment to see if it has any influence on this problem. In the meantime, any help is highly welcomed.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 09:52, Frank Barknecht escreveu:
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 09:33:53AM +0100, João Martins wrote:
Well... I'll test to see if it is really a problem between pool and xsample (they both work on my Mac), and not GEM. Did you notice that if I take Gem out, pool and xsample stop having problems?
Ah, no, I overlooked that. Then I would rather get a fresh Gem first, it may be available in one of the newer Pd-extended versions.
But I'm more than willing to follow any suggestions. Could I ask you for instructions on how to "recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources"? Or a good link for Linux newbies?
Puh, it's been a while since I compiled it. should have the most current information.
-- João Pedro Martins música . web design mail: skype: joaopsmartins ichat: joaomartins msn: joaopsmartins
-- João Pedro Martins música . web design mail: skype: joaopsmartins ichat: joaomartins msn: joaopsmartins _______________________________________________ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
I'm using the one available at I'll look into the task of compiling it myself. I use xsample as provided by your site without any problem, and I'm not using flext, just the externals. Here and on my Mac, where everything works just fine.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 18:21, Thomas Grill escreveu:
Hi Joao, interestingly i haven't asked before: what versions of flext, pool and xsample are you using? I'm asking i would always recommend to compile from the svn source - which should not be all that daunting. I might not be the right source of comfort but i guess there are people here that can easily lead you through the process. gr~~~
Am 24.08.2010 um 11:30 schrieb João Martins:
Nothing is as simple as it looks, as I'm learning by the minute. With the latest release of Pd, turning off Gem does not allow "pool" to work properly, and I get exactly the same error message. This leads me back to "pool" in itself. Compiling all of "flext" really seems a daunting task, but I think I'll give it a go, if no one comes up with a better suggestion. ;)
Thank you all.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 10:17, João Martins joaomartins@mac.comescreveu:
So, I've tried using a fresher copy of GEM (0.92.3) and not having xsample in the way, and I got apparently the same problem:
*** glibc detected *** pdextended: free(): invalid pointer: 0x09c2b864 *** ======= Backtrace: ========= /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17b0d1] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17c7d2] /lib/tls/i686/cmov/[0x17f8ad]
/home/user/pd-externals/pool/pool.pd_linux(_ZN16flext_obj_single8obj_freeEP9flext_hdr+0x7b)[0x89d2021] pdextended(pd_free+0x17)[0x80b5af7] ======= Memory map: ======== 00110000-0024e000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024e000-0024f000 ---p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0024f000-00251000 r--p 0013e000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00251000-00252000 rw-p 00140000 08:01 11740506 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00252000-00255000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00255000-00266000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00266000-00267000 r--p 00010000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00267000-00268000 rw-p 00011000 08:01 10455586 /usr/lib/ 00268000-0026f000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 0026f000-00270000 r--p 00006000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00270000-00271000 rw-p 00007000 08:01 10454666 /usr/lib/ 00271000-00274000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00274000-00275000 r--p 00002000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00275000-00276000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 11722789 /lib/ 00276000-00278000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00278000-00279000 r--p 00001000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00279000-0027a000 rw-p 00002000 08:01 11740517 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0027a000-002c2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c2000-002c3000 r--p 00047000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c3000-002c4000 rw-p 00048000 08:01 10455789 /usr/lib/ 002c4000-002c8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c8000-002c9000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002c9000-002ca000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10455682 /usr/lib/ 002ca000-00330000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00330000-00331000 r--p 00065000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00331000-00332000 rw-p 00066000 08:01 10455079 /usr/lib/ 00332000-00336000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00336000-00344000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00344000-00345000 r--p 0000d000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00345000-00346000 rw-p 0000e000 08:01 10452994 /usr/lib/ 00346000-00359000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 00359000-0035a000 r--p 00012000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035a000-0035b000 rw-p 00013000 08:01 11740525 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 0035b000-0035d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 0035d000-003ab000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ab000-003ac000 r--p 0004d000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ac000-003ad000 rw-p 0004e000 08:01 10453276 /usr/lib/ 003ad000-003b2000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b2000-003b3000 r--p 00004000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b3000-003b4000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 10453274 /usr/lib/ 003b4000-003b8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b8000-003b9000 rw-p 00003000 08:01 10455652 /usr/lib/ 003b9000-003bb000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bb000-003bc000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10455664 /usr/lib/ 003bc000-003bd000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003bd000-003be000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 10527044 /usr/lib/tls/ 003be000-003d3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d3000-003d4000 r--p 00014000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d4000-003d5000 rw-p 00015000 08:01 11740583 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ 003d5000-003d7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 003d7000-00541000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00541000-00542000 r--p 00169000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00542000-00543000 rw-p 0016a000 08:01 10453340 /usr/lib/ 00543000-0066d000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066d000-0066e000 ---p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066e000-0066f000 r--p 0012a000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 0066f000-00671000 rw-p 0012b000 08:01 10454511 /usr/lib/ 00671000-00672000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00672000-0069c000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069c000-0069e000 r--p 00029000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069e000-0069f000 rw-p 0002b000 08:01 10455126 /usr/lib/ 0069f000-006a3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a3000-006a4000 r--p 00003000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a4000-006a5000 rw-p 00004000 08:01 2171044 /usr/lib/ 006a5000-006b9000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006b9000-006ba000 r--p 00013000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006ba000-006bb000 rw-p 00014000 08:01 11722818 /lib/ 006bb000-006d6000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d6000-006d7000 r--p 0001b000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d7000-006d9000 rw-p 0001c000 08:01 10453292 /usr/lib/ 006d9000-006e5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 006e5000-00707000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 00707000-0070c000 rw-p 00022000 08:01 10455142 /usr/lib/ 0070c000-0071f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 00720000-00721000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00721000-00722000 r--p 00000000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00722000-00723000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 10799248 /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/libdir.pd_linux 00723000-00792000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 10456713 /usr/lib/ signal 6
The machine running this has an IntelAtom processor. Should I test it exclusively with the "lpia" packages? I've noticed that these "lpia" packages do not add the application to the app launcher. Launching it via console is not an issue, but they look differently, as if anti-aliasing was off for the GUI.
I'll test on that environment to see if it has any influence on this problem. In the meantime, any help is highly welcomed.
João Martins
No dia 24 de Agosto de 2010 09:52, Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.orgescreveu:
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 09:33:53AM +0100, João Martins wrote:
Well... I'll test to see if it is really a problem between pool and
(they both work on my Mac), and not GEM. Did you notice that if I take
out, pool and xsample stop having problems?
Ah, no, I overlooked that. Then I would rather get a fresh Gem first, it may be available in one of the newer Pd-extended versions.
But I'm more than willing to follow any suggestions. Could I ask you
instructions on how to "recompile everything related to flext with the newest versions of the sources"? Or a good link for Linux newbies?
Puh, it's been a while since I compiled it. should have the most current information.
-- João Pedro Martins música . web design mail: skype: joaopsmartins ichat: joaomartins msn: joaopsmartins
-- João Pedro Martins música . web design mail: skype: joaopsmartins ichat: joaomartins msn: joaopsmartins _______________________________________________ mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I know that one: Isn't it strange that a crash in pool should give an error message about xsample.pd_linux?
No. It's a «normal trouble» with C/C++ languages. The solution is to use powerful debuggers that can report mistakes early, by using cpu emulators, very picky code, and implementations of malloc/free that spend a lot of time setting up traps that bugs will have to fall into.
That's why I mention valgrind once in a while... someone has to be mentioning it sometimes.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard on the road (in Îles-de-la-Madeleine, QC).
On Mon, 23 Aug 2010, João Martins wrote:
The usual reply to myself kind of thing. I've just tested an earlier pd-extended package, with GEM 0.91.3 (that's the one working in my Mac), and the problem persists. When I create a "pool" instance and open the help patch and then try to close it (this is the fastest way to test, since it produces the same output as putting a fid_class object into the patch), this is what I get at the terminal console:
If you can be sure that the problem comes from pool, but the error message doesn't, then you can't rely on the glibc backtrace, nor on a gdb backtrace either. You have to use valgrind, which can do early diagnostic, instead of gdb and glibc that can only tell you the last step of the death.
But I don't recall whether it works on OSX, or only Linux.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard on the road (in Îles-de-la-Madeleine, QC).