This is the first day of Artengine Labs (Ottawa, ON). Hurray!
Artengine is eight years old but never have had much of a room before today. :
left to right Alexandre Castonguay Darsha Hewitt Stéphanie Brodeur :
Andrée Préfontaine
if you wonder why it's on-topic, well, all of those people have something to do with PureData and GridFlow, and furthermore, Alex/Artengine has been catalysing the development of GridFlow since day zero (that is, january 2001).
,-o---------o---------o---------o-. ,---. #dataflow |
| The Diagram is the Program (TM) | | ,-o-------------o--------------o-.
-o--------------o--------------o-' | | Mathieu Bouchard (Montréal QC) | | téléphone: +1.514.383.3801
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