hi, I am running into a new problem with msd, I want to create and delete masses on the fly, and every mass has to be linked to all existing masses to do bouncings. right now I don't have a good solution yet to keep track of id's and tend to use python for this. but I had another idea, maybe someone has a comment on that. let's say all my masses are named m, then I want to add a mass with name m-new, I could link m m-new, and would get a connection from every old mass to the new one. all I needed to do then is rename m-new to m, which is not possible right now, but should not be too difficult to implement. it is relatively easy to look up one mass in a table, and delete it, but it is not very fast to search for all existing masses (in a list). of course I could also use pmpd and an interactor... thanks, marius.