I have to synchronize the samplerate inside a camomille VST plugin that uses a pd~ subprocess, with the samplerate used by the host.
I'm aware that we can specify samplerate of subprocess pd~ on creation with the flag -sr <samplerate> as [pd~] argument.
But is there a way to dynamically change this ?
(other than by sending a message such as
[;pd audio-dialog 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 96000 30 -1 64(
to the subprocess, where only the samplerate value --here 96000-- is relevant ?)
Depending on the structure of your patches, one simple solution could be to simply stop and restart the subprocess when the parent samplerate changes.
On 28.03.2021 15:59, Jean-Yves Gratius wrote:
I have to synchronize the samplerate inside a camomille VST plugin that uses a pd~ subprocess, with the samplerate used by the host.
I'm aware that we can specify samplerate of subprocess pd~ on creation with the flag -sr <samplerate> as [pd~] argument.
But is there a way to dynamically change this ?
(other than by sending a message such as
[;pd audio-dialog 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 96000 30 -1 64(
to the subprocess, where only the samplerate value --here 96000-- is relevant ?)
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