hi list, is there any way of getting audio of mov movies in gem using pix_movie? im on pd 0.38 extended... bye
yukio kuroiwa yukio_kuroiwa@fastmail.fm
yukio kuroiwa wrote:
hi list, is there any way of getting audio of mov movies in gem using pix_movie? im on pd 0.38 extended... bye
which operating system?
the answer is no, you cannot. the suggested way to do it is by demultiplexing the video off-line via an external program and then use [pix_movie] for the imagery and [readsf~] (or [soundfiler]) for the sounds.
on osX however, it sometimes happens, that the audio will be played back while decoding, but from outside of pd. i guess in most cases this is not what you want (so all you will find in the pd-list archives might be about how to get rid of this), but you might be lucky and this is exactly what you are looking for.
mf.adr.nuv IOhannes
PS: funny thing: this is the first false positive in my spam filter i had for a long! time. luckily i caught it.
yukio kuroiwa a écrit :
hi list, is there any way of getting audio of mov movies in gem using pix_movie? im on pd 0.38 extended... bye
Hi. On OSX, you can *sometimes* hear it from QuickTime, but there is no way I know to route it to PD, unless using JACK, maybe. The last couple of times I played clips on OSX, I couldn't hear it anyore. Anyways, that's a kind of a bug, so you shouldn't rely on that at all.
Otherwise, I don't know.