2011/5/1 Daniel Roviriego danifernando@gmail.com:
Use the subverions repository:
svn co https://svn.umlaeute.mur.at/svnroot/zmoelnig/projects/pdgst/
Thanks. I could only compile half of the library because of a gcc 4.6 behavior change (--export-dynamic now fails). Maybe I should recompile all of pd-extended. Will try tomorrow.
Hi list,
svn co https://svn.umlaeute.mur.at/svnroot/zmoelnig/projects/pdgst/
Thanks. I could only compile half of the library because of a gcc 4.6 behavior change (--export-dynamic now fails). Maybe I should recompile all of pd-extended. Will try tomorrow.
One has to put -rdynamic instead of --export-dynamic due to some sanitizing in gcc 4.6.
The lib looks nice, but I did not do anything useful with it yet.