Hi list, Purr Data is now released. Purr Data inherits the goodness of Pd-l2ork and runs on Gnu/Linux, Windows, and OSX. Infinite undo, enhanced editing and 2d drawing, and most of the the externals from Pd-extended (plus more from Pd-l2ork).
New since rc5:
Get binaries here:https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/tree/master -Jonathan
hi, somebody brought me the attention to the fact that there's no GEM in Purr Data, what's the situation there?
2017-02-10 1:22 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres porres@gmail.com:
2017-02-10 2:01 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com:
Unfortunately not in OSX atm
so, if not now, any estimate when? and what is the problem for now? just curious...
2017-02-10 2:01 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com:
Unfortunately not in OSX atm
so, if not now, any estimate when? and what is the problem for now? just curious...
It's a large complex library that takes a long time to compile, and there wasn't pre-existing infrastructure in the pd-extended build scripts to build it on OSX as a 64-bit target. I believe Matt Barber made some progress getting a recent version to compile. -Jonathan
On 02/10/2017 06:00 AM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
Gem (from git) compiles out of the box on OSX-64bit. this is even tested on travis-ci. (it still lacks image/video/film acquisition, mainly because the OSX nobody cares enough to implement that¹).
so if you have spare manpower, it would be more appreciated if that was spent in getting the next Gem release out, rather than "making some progress in getting recent versions to compile".
fgmards IOhannes
¹ dan has put quite some work into it, and this is much appreciated. but afaik his personal interest is more in ofx. the big majority is probably just switching to jitter.
I did get Gem to compile without quicktime support with few difficulties. Most of the effort was actually in getting gavl/gmerlin to compile, as there were not ready-made homebrew packages.
Jonathan, when I get some time I'll send you some instructions and patches directly.
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:00 AM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list < pd-list@lists.iem.at> wrote:
I did get Gem to compile without quicktime support with few difficulties. Most of the effort was actually in getting gavl/gmerlin to compile, as there were not ready-made homebrew packages.
Jonathan, when I get some time I'll send you some instructions and patches directly.
Great! Thanks, Matt. -Jonathan
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:00 AM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list pd-list@lists.iem.at wrote:
2017-02-10 2:01 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com:
Unfortunately not in OSX atm
so, if not now, any estimate when? and what is the problem for now? just curious...
It's a large complex library that takes a long time to compile, and there wasn't pre-existing infrastructure in the pd-extended build scripts to build it on OSX as a 64-bit target. I believe Matt Barber made some progress getting a recent version to compile. -Jonathan
Pd-list@lists.iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> https://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
I would be interested in some up-to-date compiling instructions for Gem on mac. Very much looking forward for this!!
On Feb 10, 2017, at 10:36 AM, Matt Barber brbrofsvl@gmail.com wrote:
when I get some time I'll send you some instructions and patches directly.
This looks great! However we're running into a problem over here on our Windows machines. When loading a fairly large patch, all GUI objects are not updating (a toggle won't show state change, but it shows its value change in the console when connected to a [print]). I'm unable to identify a way to consistently reproduce this issue.
Is this a known issue? Thanks in advance...
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 5:17 PM, Fede Camara Halac camarafede@gmail.com wrote:
This looks great! However we're running into a problem over here on our Windows machines. When loading a fairly large patch, all GUI objects are not updating (a toggle won't show state change, but it shows its value change in the console when connected to a [print]). I'm unable to identify a way to consistently reproduce this issue.
Is this a known issue? Thanks in advance...
That isn't a known issue, but I can probably guess the class of issues it comes from. Right-click on the Pd Window and choose "Inspect Background Page" and then click "Console." It may have an error there. If so copy/paste it for me. If not, go the the relevant patch window, choose "Help->Show Devtools", and click "Console" in the window that pops up. There should be an error in one of those two debugging consoles.
Here's the error I'm getting
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Purr Data\bin\pdgui.js:1720 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'window' of undefined"
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 5:54 PM, Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com wrote:
After "undefined" there should be an ellipsis: "(...)" If it's there, click it and copy/paste the rest of the error that pops up. -Jonathan
There isn't an ellipsis, the only contents of the error is what I copied and pasted.
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com wrote:
There isn't an ellipsis, the only contents of the error is what I copied and pasted.
Ok. If you can send me a patch that triggers the bug I'll investigate further.
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com wrote:
After "undefined" there should be an ellipsis: "(...)" If it's there, click it and copy/paste the rest of the error that pops up. -Jonathan
Okay, I will get back to you as soon as I can with that. Thank you!
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 6:22 PM, Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com wrote:
in getting gavl/gmerlin to compile, as there were not ready-made
homebrew packages.
i did make some once that i remember working (but could be wrong)... they might need modifying: https://github.com/megrimm/homebrew-pd
though i agree with johannes here: "so if you have spare manpower, it would be more appreciated if that was spent in getting the next Gem release out, rather than "making some progress in getting recent versions to compile"."
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Matt Barber brbrofsvl@gmail.com wrote:
On initial trials I've found Purr Data good to use, thank-you. Curious if there are plans for an ARM release?
On Wed, 15 Feb 2017 at 4:26 am, me.grimm megrimm@gmail.com wrote:
On initial trials I've found Purr Data good to use, thank-you. Curious if there are plans for an ARM release?
There's an armv7l release:https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/tree/master That runs on rpi2, and on a Chromebook rockchip (asus c201) -Jonathan
On Wed, 15 Feb 2017 at 4:26 am, me.grimm megrimm@gmail.com wrote:
in getting gavl/gmerlin to compile, as there were not ready-made homebrew packages.
i did make some once that i remember working (but could be wrong)... they might need modifying:https://github.com/megrimm/homebrew-pd
though i agree with johannes here:"so if you have spare manpower, it would be more appreciated if that wasspent in getting the next Gem release out, rather than "making some progress in getting recent versions to compile"."
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Matt Barber brbrofsvl@gmail.com wrote:
I did get Gem to compile without quicktime support with few difficulties. Most of the effort was actually in getting gavl/gmerlin to compile, as there were not ready-made homebrew packages. Jonathan, when I get some time I'll send you some instructions and patches directly.
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:00 AM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list pd-list@lists.iem.at wrote:
2017-02-10 2:01 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com:
Unfortunately not in OSX atm
so, if not now, any estimate when? and what is the problem for now? just curious...
It's a large complex library that takes a long time to compile, and there wasn't pre-existing infrastructure in the pd-extended build scripts to build it on OSX as a 64-bit target. I believe Matt Barber made some progress getting a recent version to compile. -Jonathan
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what about the C.H.I.P. computer?
should it work on it? I have it with me, I can test it these days, I could try and compile for it too
2017-02-15 0:37 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list pd-list@lists.iem.at :
what about the C.H.I.P. computer?
I'm not sure about that one.
should it work on it? I have it with me, I can test it these days, I could try and compile for it too
Sure. Try the deb package first, and if that doesn't work try compiling. -Jonathan
2017-02-15 0:37 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list pd-list@lists.iem.at:
On initial trials I've found Purr Data good to use, thank-you. Curious if there are plans for an ARM release?
There's an armv7l release:https://git.purrdata.net/ jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/ tree/master That runs on rpi2, and on a Chromebook rockchip (asus c201) -Jonathan
On Wed, 15 Feb 2017 at 4:26 am, me.grimm megrimm@gmail.com wrote:
in getting gavl/gmerlin to compile, as there were not ready-made homebrew packages.
i did make some once that i remember working (but could be wrong)... they might need modifying:https://github.com/megrimm/ homebrew-pd
though i agree with johannes here:"so if you have spare manpower, it would be more appreciated if that wasspent in getting the next Gem release out, rather than "making some progress in getting recent versions to compile"."
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Matt Barber brbrofsvl@gmail.com wrote:
I did get Gem to compile without quicktime support with few difficulties. Most of the effort was actually in getting gavl/gmerlin to compile, as there were not ready-made homebrew packages. Jonathan, when I get some time I'll send you some instructions and patches directly.
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:00 AM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list pd-list@lists.iem.at wrote:
2017-02-10 2:01 GMT-02:00 Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com:
Unfortunately not in OSX atm
so, if not now, any estimate when? and what is the problem for now? just curious...
It's a large complex library that takes a long time to compile, and there wasn't pre-existing infrastructure in the pd-extended build scripts to build it on OSX as a 64-bit target. I believe Matt Barber made some progress getting a recent version to compile. -Jonathan
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hi - just donwloaded pd-l2ork-2.0-osx-10.8-x86_64.dmg to run it on osx 10.8, but it won't install, saying it needs at least 10.9 an oversight?
On 09.02.2017, at 23:19, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list pd-list@lists.iem.at wrote:
Hi guys, what is the earliest version of OS X that is still supported for Purrdata? Will 10.6 Snow Leopard work?
On 10 February 2017 at 11:06, volker böhm vboehm@gmx.ch wrote:
Hi guys, what is the earliest version of OS X that is still supported for Purrdata?> Will 10.6 Snow Leopard work?
The GUI will work on 10.6 (at least that is what it says on the website). But I'm not sure if the build infrastructure supports a version that old or not. I'm happy to try to get it working on a version that old. But it's difficult because I don't have that software to test it on. -Jonathan
I have a Mac Mini running 10.6.8 I would be happy to try it out.
Great! I'm doing the GUI part of so-called "10.8" build manually at the moment.So let me get that set up in the install scripts correctly to make it easier to test this. -Jonathan
Sent from my iPony
On 10 Feb 2017, at 16.31, Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com wrote:
Hi guys, what is the earliest version of OS X that is still supported for Purrdata?> Will 10.6 Snow Leopard work?
The GUI will work on 10.6 (at least that is what it says on the website). But I'm not sure if the build infrastructure supports a version that old or not. I'm happy to try to get it working on a version that old. But it's difficult because I don't have that software to test it on. -Jonathan
On 10.02.2017, at 15:28, Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com wrote:
to be precise, i can open the disk image, and copy the pd-l2ork.app, but i can't run it, getting the error "you can't use this version of the application Pd-l2ork.app with this version of os x" immediately. app-icon is also struck through. as far as i can see, there is no installer.
thanks, vb
Vb have you tried the old .plist trick, ie going inside the app Package itself and modifying the plist so that the app can run on previous OSX versions?
I did that to-me-new trick. And it seems to work!! on 10.8.5 Thanks Esa!
Am 10.02.2017 um 16:37 schrieb Esa Ruoho esaruoho@gmail.com:
Terrific work.
I spotted a small thing last night trying it on an old patch. I'll try and make a streamlined version of the problem in the patch.
I have a subpatch with GOP. The parent patch has a selector which moves the coordinates of the GOP in the sub-patch. if I'm in Performance mode and I change the view in the GOP PurrData goes in edit mode.
the message to change the coordinates is: [ ; pd-sidepanel donecanvasdialog 1 1 1 0 -1 1 1 196 924 $1 10, dirty 0 (
Hope this helps Pierre-Olivier
On 09/02/2017 23:19, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
On 2017년 02월 09일 23:19, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
Get binaries here: https://git.purrdata.net/jwilkes/purr-data-binaries/tree/master
How are pd-l2ork and Purr Data distiguished or are they one?
on the site you link to, the downloads in the purr-data-binaries folder are named pd-l2ork-2.0...
when I download the pd-l2ork-2.0-ubuntu_16.04-x86_64.deb package I can't install that because the package installer says: Error: A later version is already installed.
In the pacage description I read no mention of Purr Data, instead it is all about Pd-L2Ork..
I have no mention of Purr-Data in my program list. When launching Pd-L2Ork though, I get a window with the name purr-data.
In the help menu of the program purr-data, I read "About Pd-l2ork"
The version there shows Pd-l2ork version 20161221
I'm confused about all the different names and different variants and capitalizations.
i think Purr Data is just Pd-l2ork 2.0 (and cross platform)
2017-02-10 12:01 GMT-02:00 Max abonnements@revolwear.com:
they'll eventually merge into one, and probably even go through a name change altogether?
2017-02-10 12:40 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres porres@gmail.com:
i think Purr Data is just Pd-l2ork 2.0 (and cross platform)
That's exactly right. Versioning and Naming:We added a version number specifically related to pd-l2ork. Purr Data is versioned "2.0", and the original Pd-l2ork is "1.0". We left the original versioning API with a major version of "0", because changing that apparently breaks some externals. Building: It's really difficult to change the naming (or anything, for that matter) in a complex build system. If you are on Ubuntu and want to install Purr Data alongside the 1.0 pd-l2ork version, you can use Albert Graef's PPA: https://launchpad.net/~dr-graef/+archive/ubuntu/pd-l2ork.xenial I'm not (yet) using his build script for the Ubuntu CI builds. Sorry, that's an oversight on my part.
2017-02-10 12:01 GMT-02:00 Max abonnements@revolwear.com:
On 2017년 02월 09일 23:19, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
Get binaries here: https://git.purrdata.net/jwilk es/purr-data-binaries/tree/ master
How are pd-l2ork and Purr Data distiguished or are they one?
on the site you link to, the downloads in the purr-data-binaries folder are named pd-l2ork-2.0...
when I download the pd-l2ork-2.0-ubuntu_16.04-x86_ 64.deb package I can't install that because the package installer says: Error: A later version is already installed.
In the pacage description I read no mention of Purr Data, instead it is all about Pd-L2Ork..
I have no mention of Purr-Data in my program list. When launching Pd-L2Ork though, I get a window with the name purr-data.
In the help menu of the program purr-data, I read "About Pd-l2ork"
The version there shows Pd-l2ork version 20161221
I'm confused about all the different names and different variants and capitalizations.
Pd-list@lists.iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> https://lists.puredata.info/li stinfo/pd-list
On 10/02/17 06:19, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
Purr Data is now released.
Wow, congratulations Jonathan and everyone involved in getting to release. It's clear a lot of hard work has gone into this over the past few years. Quite an accomplishment. Nice one!
On 10/02/17 06:19, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
Purr Data is now released.
Wow, congratulations Jonathan and everyone involved in getting to
release. It's clear a lot of hard work has gone into this over the past few years. Quite an accomplishment. Nice one!
Thanks, Chris! Best,Jonathan