Maybe there should be an introductory email for new list users giving advice on how to protect against worms and viruses - no matter which client they use. It should be a practical guide - not just a warning - listing any known methods for commonly used clients. I personally object to the tyranny of blocking users on the basis of the clients they use when they are only using them in good faith.
On 31 Jan 2002 at 9:26, justin c. rounds wrote:
i agree that outlook makes it far too easy for viruses and worms to propagate, but i think threatening the outlook users of this list with removal isn't the right approach. the only reason i use outlook is to read email on my palm pilot (i tried eudora and it sucks), and would be very sad if i could not participate on these lists because of my choice of email client. however, i do think that it's necessary for outlook users to educate themselves about the potential hazards associated with using outlook and what measures can be done to avoid them.