for as long as i remember (certainly through several different browser-changes) pure-data's website has popped up an annoying dialog on first visit:
i know it happens with at least firefox and opera. upon choosing to install the certificate despite the browser's initial objections, you can continue.
not dealing with SSL regularly, perhaps a different one could be generated for each domain, and some kind of switch statement in the apache/lighttpd/whatever conf could send the right one...
i too have only very limited knowledge about ssl things but i
remember reading about a solution for a similiar issue at stunnels
examples page (1). this one is rather for mailservers but probably
works for httpd as well.
Am 22.04.2006 um 03:03 schrieb carmen:
for as long as i remember (certainly through several different
browser-changes) pure-data's website has popped up an annoying
dialog on first visit:
- The server's name "" does not match the
certificate's name ";;".
Somebody may be trying to eavesdrop on you.i know it happens with at least firefox and opera. upon choosing to
install the certificate despite the browser's initial objections,
you can continue.not dealing with SSL regularly, perhaps a different one could be
generated for each domain, and some kind of switch statement in the
apache/lighttpd/whatever conf could send the right one... mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> listinfo/pd-list
I use opera (on XP and Ubuntu), and this certificate pops up every now and
then, not being possible to install it, just "take it for now". But I
don't know when the certificate dialog pops up again, maybe when the page
goes away from the buffer or something else. but it isn't possible to
install it.
Am 22.04.2006, 03:03 Uhr, schrieb carmen
for as long as i remember (certainly through several different
browser-changes) pure-data's website has popped up an annoying dialog on
first visit:
- The server's name "" does not match the certificate's
name ";;". Somebody may be trying
to eavesdrop on you.i know it happens with at least firefox and opera. upon choosing to
install the certificate despite the browser's initial objections, you
can continue.not dealing with SSL regularly, perhaps a different one could be
generated for each domain, and some kind of switch statement in the
apache/lighttpd/whatever conf could send the right one...
João Miguel Pais wrote:
I use opera (on XP and Ubuntu), and this certificate pops up every now and then, not being possible to install it, just "take it for now". But I don't know when the certificate dialog pops up again, maybe when the
it pop's up, whenever you are using a different name to access the site: is not the same as nor nor ... (the list is almost infinite).
in my prior answer (which went to i stated, that the "real" name of the site is '' and NOT '' and NOT AT ALL ''. it seems like the primary name of the certificate is really '', i am sorry for the confusion.
page goes away from the buffer or something else. but it isn't possible to install it.
you can install the root-certificate that was used to sign the from (note: all these certificates are self-signed).
to re-iterate, you(!) have to ensure that you are using the correct host-name, and this does NOT include nor
mfg.asdr. IOhannes