Hi everybody, is there any "audio sustain" external available for pd? What I'm looking for is a way to repeat a live audio signal for a while, similar to the object tap.sustain~ available for Max in
I have a few patches that use the [tabsend~] and [tabreceive~] and the [tabwrite~] objects to do looping. I'm not sure what you're actually trying to do (other than loop) but I've been playing with patches that will sample snapshots (10 ms - 1 minute) of incoming audio and loop those. My more advanced version of looper is based off the tutorial looping sampler examples and features tansposition, speed control, you can specify loop length, record your own audio from [adc~] and so on. I've also created my own abstraction which acts as a master clock for multiple instances of these objects to synch themselves to.
Well... at any rate, there are plenty of PD gurus out there who will probably have better answers than me but feel free to contact me for my current verisons of these abstractions.
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