Hi, I am using import pddp/pddplink to import an object. the problem is, that after I imported an external like this, I can only use [pddplink] but not [pddp/pddlink] any more. should I post a bug report, or am I using import in a wrong way??? marius.
That's an odd one. [import] was designed to import libraries, but I
suppose it would be useful to have it import objectclasses too. So I
think this is a bug, please file :).
On Mar 29, 2008, at 11:03 AM, marius schebella wrote:
Hi, I am using import pddp/pddplink to import an object. the problem is, that after I imported an external like this, I can only use [pddplink] but not [pddp/pddlink] any more. should I post a bug report, or am I using import in a wrong way??? marius.
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'You people have such restrictive dress for women,’ she said,
hobbling away in three inch heels and panty hose to finish out
another pink-collar temp pool day. - “Hijab Scene #2", by Mohja Kahf