Hi, nice to hear that PD runs on Eeepc! Did you use apt-get to install it? Testing sources: a good starting points could be the examples in the Help->Browser->3.audio.examples (in particular the H, I, J series of examples) listening for audio dropouts/glitches... Looks interesting!
Hi Alberto,
I own an Eee PC with puredata installed. The graphical chip is not bad. However, I am quite new to puredata, just tested with few examples with very simple effect. If you can suggest testing source , I could help to test and report the result.
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:40 PM, alberto.zin@poste.it alberto.zin@poste.it wrote:
Hi all,
has anyone tried the two ultraportable laptop from ASUS and Everex with PD ?
http://eeepc.asus.com/global/product.htm -> Eeepc http://www.everex.com/ -> CloudBook
They are both Linux-equipped and configurable. Since they are offered in a nice price range (300-400$) I was wandering what are the capabilities regarding audio and, why not, graphics.
Alberto Zin
http://puredata.org/Members/AlbertoZ http://alberto.zin.googlepages.com/
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
http://puredata.org/Members/AlbertoZ http://alberto.zin.googlepages.com/
I will also get one next week (they are sold out here ATM) and will definitely make some pd experiments on it ... ;)
alberto.zin@poste.it schrieb:
Hi, nice to hear that PD runs on Eeepc! Did you use apt-get to install it?
Yes you can use the debian repositories ... lots of information is here: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/
LG Georg
Pd runs great on the eeePc. Particularly if you are doing sample based things; the cpu is not fast enough to do much synthesis or other expensive stuff at once but I did get some phase vocoding going on it with very few hiccups. As always, rt kernel helps a lot and with jack running, the built in audio is pretty decent.
peas, km
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Georg Holzmann grh@mur.at wrote:
I will also get one next week (they are sold out here ATM) and will definitely make some pd experiments on it ... ;)
alberto.zin@poste.it schrieb:
Hi, nice to hear that PD runs on Eeepc! Did you use apt-get to install it?
Yes you can use the debian repositories ... lots of information is here: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/
LG Georg
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 12:12 AM, alberto.zin@poste.it alberto.zin@poste.it wrote:
Hi, nice to hear that PD runs on Eeepc! Did you use apt-get to install it?
Official repository don't provide puredata. Old version (0.39) could be found in Etch repository.
As I prefer newer version , so I pick the source package from Debian SID , and then build it for Eee PC.
Testing sources: a good starting points could be the examples in the Help->Browser->3.audio.examples (in particular the H, I, J series of examples)
Randomly tested with few examples in H,I,J series. They just consume around 7~10% of CPU time...
listening for audio dropouts/glitches... Looks interesting!
Hi Alberto,
I own an Eee PC with puredata installed. The graphical chip is not bad. However, I am quite new to puredata, just tested with few examples with very simple effect. If you can suggest testing source , I could help to test and report the result.
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:40 PM, alberto.zin@poste.it alberto.zin@poste.it wrote:
Hi all,
has anyone tried the two ultraportable laptop from ASUS and Everex with PD ?
http://eeepc.asus.com/global/product.htm -> Eeepc http://www.everex.com/ -> CloudBook
They are both Linux-equipped and configurable. Since they are offered in a nice price range (300-400$) I was wandering what are the capabilities regarding audio and, why not, graphics.
Alberto Zin
http://puredata.org/Members/AlbertoZ http://alberto.zin.googlepages.com/
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
Alberto Zin
http://puredata.org/Members/AlbertoZ http://alberto.zin.googlepages.com/
Official repository don't provide puredata. Old version (0.39) could be found in Etch repository.
Yes an old version is also in the Xandros repositories ... However, I also compiled pd from source now.
And it really runs quite nice - one of my performance patches with arduino interface uses about 20% (some synths, samples and effects) and also without dropouts when switching windows etc. However, I didn't test the latency so far ...
So it's really nice for simple audio things, especially if you have some other interfaces and don't want to show your big computer ... ;)
LG Georg
any GEM tests with asus eee? it can use a higher video output resolution am i rght? i am interested in its capabilities for a vj work...
thx in advance igor
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Georg Holzmann grh@mur.at wrote:
Official repository don't provide puredata. Old version (0.39) could be found in Etch repository.
Yes an old version is also in the Xandros repositories ... However, I also compiled pd from source now.
And it really runs quite nice - one of my performance patches with arduino interface uses about 20% (some synths, samples and effects) and also without dropouts when switching windows etc. However, I didn't test the latency so far ...
So it's really nice for simple audio things, especially if you have some other interfaces and don't want to show your big computer ... ;)
LG Georg
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list