Freeverb~ is not really "passed", it's just that pd relies on the gui
startup latency before connecting to any soundcards, etc. In -nogui mode, there's no gui setup and it tries to grab the soundcard too quickly and failes, at least that's my understanding of the problem. I noticed this using -nogui mode and -rt, -alsa in Linux.
There is a bug report for this, add your info there as there is no mention
of this happening in OSX ...
To solve, I added a delay before starting the dsp as mentioned by IOhannes
and the bug report (I use 100ms):
[loadbang] | [; pd dsp 1<
in my main patch becomes
[loadbang] | [del 100] | [; pd dsp 1<
I rely on -nogui, so this was a major problem for me about 2 months ago
when I switched form using pd through Jack to direct alsa. Luckily I found the aforementioned bug report ...
As far as I can tell, adding the delay is the current workaround until
some sort of setup latency/ordering fix is added to the pd source ...
Dan Wilcox
I don't think the problem in my case is startup latency, since when I run pd -nogui I can still hear audio (therefore pd does connect to the soundcard), but I don't hear the audio with the reverb that freeverb~ is suppose to add. Did not work for me. I've tried different delay times and same thing happens: freeverb~ does not apply any effect on the audio when I run pd -nogui.
This looks like a bigger problem to me, maybe related to running Pd from the command line on Mac OS X (see I believe this since I also tried running the patch from the command line WITHOUT the -nogui flag, and the delayed loadbang doesn't start the dsp at all!!! So maybe it's a bug to be fixed.
Any ideas?