pix_film crashes pdextended every time I try to open an .avi file , I think with whichever coded.
It works on .mpeg files tho.
When it crashes I get this:
swScaler: Exactly one scaler algorithm must be chosen Segmentation fault
This is on Ubuntu Lucid and maverick with Pd version 0.42.5-extended-rc6 I got the deb from the Nightly Auto-Builds.
I am sure this was working before but I don't know what I did, if it was with a different version of pd or some coded I installed.
Can someone help please?
Thanks in advance.
Actually it is not just .avi files that make pd crash, maybe it is the mjpeg codec?
This is an example of a file that crashes pd
I just tried on Pd version 0.42-5extended-20101206
Anny ideas?
I miss playing videos with pd.
On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 14:08 +0000, F. Medeiros wrote:
pix_film crashes pdextended every time I try to open an .avi file , I think with whichever coded.
It works on .mpeg files tho.
When it crashes I get this:
swScaler: Exactly one scaler algorithm must be chosen Segmentation fault
This is on Ubuntu Lucid and maverick with Pd version 0.42.5-extended-rc6 I got the deb from the Nightly Auto-Builds.
I am sure this was working before but I don't know what I did, if it was with a different version of pd or some coded I installed.
Can someone help please?
Thanks in advance.
On 2010-12-07 10:28, F. Medeiros wrote:
Actually it is not just .avi files that make pd crash, maybe it is the mjpeg codec?
This is an example of a file that crashes pd
I just tried on Pd version 0.42-5extended-20101206
Anny ideas?
I miss playing videos with pd.
works fine here.
i don't know which decoding library your build of Gem uses, but chances are that you have either lqt and/or gmerlin. you can see which decoding libs you have when you create the first [pix_film] object. you should get something like:
<snip> pix_film:: quicktime support pix_film:: libmpeg3 support pix_film:: libaviplay support </snip> on your pd-console.
if you have "quicktime support" (meaning "lqt"), you should try to play the video with "lqtplay" (which is part of quicktime-x11utils on debian). if this crashes as well, your libquicktime is broken (read: it's nothing Gem can do anything about)
fgmafr IOhannes
On Tue, 2010-12-07 at 10:49 +0100, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
i don't know which decoding library your build of Gem uses, but chances are that you have either lqt and/or gmerlin. you can see which decoding libs you have when you create the first [pix_film] object. you should get something like:
<snip> pix_film:: quicktime support pix_film:: libmpeg3 support pix_film:: libaviplay support </snip> on your pd-console. ...
I also don't know, I use pdextended from the Nightly Auto-Builds
when I create the first pix_film I get:
pix_film:: quicktime support pix_film:: libmpeg3 support
if you have "quicktime support" (meaning "lqt"), you should try to play the video with "lqtplay" (which is part of quicktime-x11utils on debian). if this crashes as well, your libquicktime is broken (read: it's nothing Gem can do anything about)
I think you are right, lqtplay crashes with the same error, I wonder if I can fix this.
On Tue, 2010-12-07 at 10:50 +0100, tim vets wrote:
Here's what I do to any video I want to use in pd:
mencoder $1 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg:vpass=1 -oac pcm -o $1_pd.avi ffmpeg -i $1_pd.avi -ar 44100 $1_pd.wav
the second line extracts the audio into a separate wav file. has always worked for me so far...
This works very good. thank you!
Looks like I will have to convert all my videos now.
Thank you all for the help.
Have a nice day.
Here's what I do to any video I want to use in pd:
mencoder $1 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg:vpass=1 -oac pcm -o $1_pd.avi ffmpeg -i $1_pd.avi -ar 44100 $1_pd.wav
the second line extracts the audio into a separate wav file. has always worked for me so far...
gr, Tim
2010/12/7 F. Medeiros excalibas@gmail.com
Actually it is not just .avi files that make pd crash, maybe it is the mjpeg codec?
This is an example of a file that crashes pd
I just tried on Pd version 0.42-5extended-20101206
Anny ideas?
I miss playing videos with pd.
On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 14:08 +0000, F. Medeiros wrote:
pix_film crashes pdextended every time I try to open an .avi file , I think with whichever coded.
It works on .mpeg files tho.
When it crashes I get this:
swScaler: Exactly one scaler algorithm must be chosen Segmentation fault
This is on Ubuntu Lucid and maverick with Pd version 0.42.5-extended-rc6 I got the deb from the Nightly Auto-Builds.
I am sure this was working before but I don't know what I did, if it was with a different version of pd or some coded I installed.
Can someone help please?
Thanks in advance.
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