hi list,
did anybody has made the test? does PD/GEM run on OS X 10.4 “Tiger”?
On May 18, 2005, at 3:43 PM, Max Neupert wrote:
did anybody has made the test? does PD/GEM run on OS X 10.4 “Tiger”?
Hi max,
...I'm feverishly working on this atm...my xcode project hasn't
really survived the upgrading to xcode 2.0 (it's the same one I've
been using since, oh, 10.1!!!)...plus, I've decided it's better for
everyone if osx compiles with the same configure/makefile system that
the other platforms use: but don't fear, this'll all still work from
within an xcode project...
...it'll also be interesting to see how gem's cpp code holds up in
gcc4.0, especially with autovectorization (tho I haven't heard of any
"miracles" stemming from this feature yet)...
...otoh, I'm having no problems running a gcc4.0 compiled pd-0.38-4
with the last compiled GEM I had on my machine before going from
10.3.9 to 10.4...
more l8r, jamie
On 18.05.2005, at 21:43, Max Neupert wrote:
does PD/GEM run on OS X 10.4 “Tiger”?
pre-compiled Pd version 0.38-3 + Gem runs without a problem here
I'm trying to install pd on two tiger-computers. It works fine untill I try to load the pdp_pidip_osx library which is in /usr/local/lib/pd/, via my .pdrc. Pd quits immediately. Someone knows what a possible solution for this might be?
rainer kohlberger wrote:
On 18.05.2005, at 21:43, Max Neupert wrote:
does PD/GEM run on OS X 10.4 “Tiger”?
pre-compiled Pd version 0.38-3 + Gem runs without a problem here (10.4.1)
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hi sara,
On May 23, 2005, at 11:21 AM, sara kolster wrote:
I'm trying to install pd on two tiger-computers. It works fine
untill I try to load the pdp_pidip_osx library which is in /usr/ local/lib/pd/, via my .pdrc. Pd quits immediately. Someone knows
what a possible solution for this might be?
...sure: recompile pdp & pidip...
ofcourse, clever ;) But, in this pd 38.3 apps version I have no idea which prefix I should use for ./configure
Any ideas?
The content of pd-38.3.app is as follows
ls /Applications/Pd-0.38-3.app/Contents/Resources/
bin doc extra man obj portaudio_v18 portmidi_osx Scripts src
james tittle wrote:
hi sara,
On May 23, 2005, at 11:21 AM, sara kolster wrote:
I'm trying to install pd on two tiger-computers. It works fine
untill I try to load the pdp_pidip_osx library which is in /usr/ local/lib/pd/, via my .pdrc. Pd quits immediately. Someone knows
what a possible solution for this might be?...sure: recompile pdp & pidip...
On May 23, 2005, at 12:29 PM, sara kolster wrote:
ofcourse, clever ;)
...yeh, the easy way out ;^)
But, in this pd 38.3 apps version I have no idea which prefix I
should use for ./configureAny ideas?
...I'm still not compiling against the nice pd package that hans has
been laboring over soooo much, but I will (I do know that pdp needs
to have...until then, I can say that pdp wasn't really working for me
until I recompiled pdp with the following patch (found on the net)
diff -urN /pdp-0.12.4/system/type/pdp_bitmap.c ./system/type/
--- /pdp-0.12.4/system/type/pdp_bitmap.c 2003-09-15
19:48:56.000000000 +0200
+++ ./system/type/pdp_bitmap.c 2004-12-30 21:58:15.944487048 +0100
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
int nb_channels = image->depth;
int new_p, i;
...then pdp and pidip both loaded fine: maybe this'll work for you
too? (note: if ya have trouble applying the patch, just do it by
hand, it's just one line change...)
hth, jamie