Hi Chris,
I tried Ergates in PD 0.39-2 extended on Win XP (still without joypad). In order to make it working I had to:
have sx/shadow..)
feature (otherwise PD crashes immediately). So I load the patch by starting PD with -noloadbang
the one I was able to find)
visible to GEM (it wasn't, maybe my setup of GEM is not optimal...)
At this point I can see the GEM window more or less like in your screenshots, with the geos floating, but still I got a lot of error messages from GEM:
GL: value not valid error: inlet: expected '' but got 'gem_state'
Any hints ?
In any case no sound.
Hopefully this weekend I'll try to make a in-depth look at it, also on Linux. Indeed it would be very nice if you can get the joypad working with [hid] instead of python..
A question: How do you switch between the patterns you show in your screenshots?
All the best,
Alberto Zin
On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 09:13:39AM +0200, alberto.zin@poste.it wrote:
Which version of Pd is this? I am going to see if I can reproduce the crash tonight. I will also see if I can run it on a friend's Windows box as I've never tried that.
I think you can just send Pd a message "loadbang" to emulate this behaviour:
[; ( [pd-main.pd loadbang; (
Of course that won't send one to all loadbangs in all subpatches etc.
The fonts are in a different directory I think. Maybe they didn't check out from CVS correctly or something? Can you verify that the fonts/ directory exists and has .ttf files in it? If they are there can you look at the Gem help patches in Gem/05.text and see if they work ok for you? Maybe try substituting different fonts.
That is a weird one. It sounds like something is connected to a gem object expecting a gemhead but getting something else. What does it show you if you do "find last error" from the menu?
Any hints ?
In any case no sound.
Hmmm. I wonder if I have screwed something up in a commit of s-abstractions. I will try doing a fresh checkout of everything using pd-0.40 tonight.
That's my aim but I need to investigate how stable [hid] is, how easy it is to compile and use etc. I just want to use whatever is easiest for the user to install and the most widely distributed cross platform solution.
According to the instructions page you use the left and right shoulder buttons to navigate between instruments.
I really need to make the 'help overlay' button work. Which means for each instrument you will be able to press that button and it will grey out the background and bring up a line drawing of a gamepad in the foreground with the buttons labelled with their function. From the screenshots I think that fijuu has something like this. At the moment it's a bit of a mystery for the user what all the buttons do in Ergates.
Thanks for the bug report!
chris@mccormick.cx http://mccormick.cx
Hallo, Chris McCormick hat gesagt: // Chris McCormick wrote:
AFAIR the default font for Gem has changed, because Arial isn't freely distributable. I think it defaults to Vera Sans now, but I'm note sure about this.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__