Hi all,
I'm proud to announce a new release of pdlua!
Pd (aka Pure-data) [1] is a real-time visual programming environment primarily used for multimedia processing. Lua [2] is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. pdlua [3] is a Lua embedding for Pd.
This is primarily a bug fix release, but also has some incompatible API changes (which should hopefully resolve some Pd vs Lua name clash issues in the long term).
pdlua-0.4 (2008-03-26), changes since pdlua-0.3 (2007-12-02):
Thanks to Frank Barknecht for the additional examples.
Get a tarball here:
Or via SVN:
svn co https://devel.goto10.org/svn/maximus/releases/pdlua-0.4
Development version (may be broken at times):
svn co https://devel.goto10.org/svn/maximus/pdlua
[1] http://puredata.info [2] http://lua.org [3] no pdlua home page yet :(
that's great, sorry for bothering, can you help me with this error? I compiled lua did some fixes in the makefile and then tried to compile pdlua, but got this error (I'm on osx).
/var/folders/TH/THjm5UAnEZSSB-y6nQY-6++++TI/-Tmp-//cc6upu2C.s:2824:FATAL:incompatible feature used: section type symbol_stubs (must specify "-dynamic" to be used) make: *** [lua.pd_darwin] Error 1 do I have to compile lua with special options? thanks, marius.
Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
Hi all,
I'm proud to announce a new release of pdlua!
Pd (aka Pure-data) [1] is a real-time visual programming environment primarily used for multimedia processing. Lua [2] is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. pdlua [3] is a Lua embedding for Pd.
This is primarily a bug fix release, but also has some incompatible API changes (which should hopefully resolve some Pd vs Lua name clash issues in the long term).
pdlua-0.4 (2008-03-26), changes since pdlua-0.3 (2007-12-02):
- API change: "load $1"--[lua] users must add the file name extension
- Bug fix: "load $1"--[lua] works as advertised
- API change: users must name files "*.pd_lua" instead of "*.lua"
- API change: users must name files "*.pd_luax" instead of "*.luax"
- Bug fix: help patches should be found correctly
- Examples++: [lurn], [luametro], [lpipe]
- Internal: Doxygenated source comments
- Internal: fewer leading underscores
- Internal: renamed all examples for API change and tested them
Thanks to Frank Barknecht for the additional examples.
Get a tarball here:
Or via SVN:
svn co https://devel.goto10.org/svn/maximus/releases/pdlua-0.4
Development version (may be broken at times):
svn co https://devel.goto10.org/svn/maximus/pdlua
[1] http://puredata.info [2] http://lua.org [3] no pdlua home page yet :(
marius schebella wrote:
that's great, sorry for bothering, can you help me with this error? I compiled lua did some fixes in the makefile and then tried to compile pdlua, but got this error (I'm on osx).
/var/folders/TH/THjm5UAnEZSSB-y6nQY-6++++TI/-Tmp-//cc6upu2C.s:2824:FATAL:incompatible feature used: section type symbol_stubs (must specify "-dynamic" to be used) make: *** [lua.pd_darwin] Error 1
Hmm, seems compiling on Mac OS X is more complicated than on Linux, and I don't have an Apple machine to test.
I guess you were trying to link Lua statically (because: http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2008/Feb/msg00314.html ).
Maybe tweak Makefile.static to be like this:
lua.pd_darwin: lua.c gcc $(CFLAGS) -o lua.o -c lua.c gcc $(CFLAGS) -static -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -o lua.pd_darwin lua.o -llua
Or try what is suggested in the mail linked above - create a static archive and link that into a dylib - but I don't know how to do that.
Maybe easiest would be to install Lua via fink/darwinports/whatever is the flavour of the day and try a normal non-static build...
Another alternative would be to use the Pd-extended build system after replacing the loaders/pdlua directory with pdlua-0.4, make sure to keep the .libs file. But I think that requires Lua to be installed already (that is, a non-static build).
If you do get it working, let me know how! Sorry I couldn't be much help.
do I have to compile lua with special options?
I don't think so.
thanks, marius.
Thanks for the feedback,
Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
Hi all,
I'm proud to announce a new release of pdlua!
Pd (aka Pure-data) [1] is a real-time visual programming environment primarily used for multimedia processing. Lua [2] is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. pdlua [3] is a Lua embedding for Pd.
This is primarily a bug fix release, but also has some incompatible API changes (which should hopefully resolve some Pd vs Lua name clash issues in the long term).
pdlua-0.4 (2008-03-26), changes since pdlua-0.3 (2007-12-02):
- API change: "load $1"--[lua] users must add the file name extension
- Bug fix: "load $1"--[lua] works as advertised
- API change: users must name files "*.pd_lua" instead of "*.lua"
- API change: users must name files "*.pd_luax" instead of "*.luax"
- Bug fix: help patches should be found correctly
- Examples++: [lurn], [luametro], [lpipe]
- Internal: Doxygenated source comments
- Internal: fewer leading underscores
- Internal: renamed all examples for API change and tested them
Thanks to Frank Barknecht for the additional examples.
Get a tarball here:
Or via SVN:
svn co https://devel.goto10.org/svn/maximus/releases/pdlua-0.4
Development version (may be broken at times):
svn co https://devel.goto10.org/svn/maximus/pdlua
[1] http://puredata.info [2] http://lua.org [3] no pdlua home page yet :(
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