Hi all,
I'm trying to code a dsp external. Is there any way to get the sample rate at runtime? something like: t_float sr= sample_rate;
? Ed
Dr Edward Kelly Research Assistant in Sonic Arts London College of Communication University of the Arts London
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Ed Kelly wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to code a dsp external. Is there any way to get the sample rate at runtime? something like: t_float sr= sample_rate;
in m_pd.h (the file of reference) i find:
EXTERN float sys_getsr(void);
which gives you the system-samplerate (the one your adc/dac runs at)
furthermore (also in m_pd.h) i find the definition of the signal-structure:
typedef struct _signal { int s_n; /* number of points in the array */ t_sample *s_vec; /* the array */ float s_sr; /* sample rate */ ... } t_signal;
the sample rate of the signal is per canvas; this is the value that can be changed via the [block~] (or [switch~] object; it is sys_getsr()*upsampling unfortunately, any overlap factor will also get multiplied in, resulting in: s_sr = sys_getsr()*upsampling*overlap; (if you have an overlap of 2 and no up/downsampling, you will get something like 96kHz as sample rate)
there is (currently) no way to get upsampling AND overlap factors from within your external. there is a pending feature request for this.
mfg.asdr.asdf IOhannes
? Ed
Dr Edward Kelly Research Assistant in Sonic Arts London College of Communication University of the Arts London
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