Note for OSX and Windows users PD, GEM and PDP are multi platform and besides Linux can be used under OSX and Windows.
PDP does not and will never run on Windows.
There will be a special 'installing PD and GEM crash course on the first day of the workshop, which will take beginners through the process of installation step by step. OSX users should take into account that installing PDP on their machines might not be possible during the limited time of the workshop.
i think it should take one hour.
A step by step manual is available online.
whatever.., sevy
Yves Degoyon wrote:
Note for OSX and Windows users PD, GEM and PDP are multi platform and besides Linux can be used under OSX and Windows.
PDP does not and will never run on Windows.
Honest textual mistake. Happens when two people work on the same text from time to time....
There will be a special 'installing PD and GEM crash course on the first day of the workshop, which will take beginners through the process of installation step by step. OSX users should take into account that installing PDP on their machines might not be possible during the limited time of the workshop.
i think it should take one hour.
This part was written in the Dark Ages, when installing PDP/PiDiP + all libs with Fink took all day. I haven't verified the new installation process myself yet, but I hope that it has rendered the above paragraph obsolete.
A step by step manual is available online.
Refers to Sara and Rob's hard work in figuring out what to do with the last release. Again, hopefully obsolete documentation.
Aren't we a little grumpy in the mornings ;-)
I post a new call to the main PD List, maybe you can check it for inconsistancies as well? ;-)
honestly, best wishes + thx for your hard work! d.